Narcissists use mirroring to give off the perception of being the victim's “Mr or Mrs Perfect.” They'll pay so much attention to what the victim is passionate about, what their insecurities and vulnerabilities are, intimate details about them along with other things that make the victim feel like the narcissist knows ...
For instance, they can imitate your clothing choice, your tone of voice, your hair style. This is quite common especially in a friendship with a same-sex narcissist. Your friend slowly steals your identity, but they do this so subtly that it can even look like you're the one who's imitating the other.
“Mirroring” is an abuse tactic and an example of one of the above situations. It's when someone acts as though they're “just like you” and “just what you need” in order to manipulate you as they please.
Mirroring is a tactic many narcissists and other manipulative people often employ in order to ingratiate themselves. They reflect idealized versions of their targets back to them. In a way, they get you to fall in love with a simulacrum of the best version of yourself.
Narcissistic mirroring often involves non-verbal communication too. Whether you lean forward, back, or to the side, they mirror that. If you talk fast and loud, they talk fast and loud. If you talk with your hands, they will too – and it might be an exact, carbon-copy of the hand movement you just made.
When someone copies the facial expressions, gestures, vocal inflections, opinions, and attitudes of another person during a social interaction, this is known as mirroring.
Related. For others, mirroring is a manipulative tactic for achieving selfish, devious or damaging purposes. People with Machiavellian traits may use it to improve their social status or align others with their purposes.
Mirroring helps to facilitate empathy, as individuals more readily experience other people's emotions through mimicking posture and gestures. Mirroring also allows individuals to subjectively feel the pain of others when viewing injuries.
Mirroring can relate to personality types because personality traits correlate to many aspects of expression that may be mimicked. For example, Extraverts are more likely than Introverts to seek eye contact when talking with someone.
Mirroring is an insidious form of manipulation used by narcissists, abusers, and dividers alike. It allows toxic partners to slip between the cracks and infiltrate our lives in deeply emotional ways. They idealize themselves (and us) by showing us only what we want to see — and then the trap is set.
When a narcissist is exposed or when the narcissist knows you have figured him out, they will never admit the truth even if it is staring them in the face. A narcissist will lay several false accusations and try to make him right. They will say things you didn't utter and misinterpret all your intentions.
A sense of entitlement or a need for constant admiration within an individual with narcissistic tendencies could lead them to want to 'steal the limelight' over others in order to enhance their feeling of self-importance or superiority, therefore, if they notice other people receiving this admiration, they might look ...
They like to have all the attention on them, which is why they cut their victims off from their friends and family. Often, they will flip between being a victim, being abusive, and being the hero. This keeps everyone around them on their toes because it is so erratic and confusing. It's called the "drama triangle."
By adopting their mannerisms, repeating phrases or language patterns that they tend to use and mirroring their character traits, a person may attempt to appease a person. This defense mechanism was described by Anna Freud as identification with an aggressor.
A narcissistic personality disorder like narcissistic mirroring is a form of emotional manipulation in which a person tries to make another person feel as though they are reflecting the other person's qualities, often in an exaggerated way.
Use the power of mirroring and empathy
Within our brain, and specifically our emotional brain, mirror neurons enable us to understand another person's emotions, and vice-versa, to demonstrate true empathy allows that other to feel seen, heard and understood.
Imitating others' actions or gestures can be a natural human behavior, but when it happens frequently and involuntarily, it could be echopraxia. Mimicking or mirroring someone else's actions can be a natural part of the human socialization and learning process.
Mirroring is basic empathy in that it allows another person to feel like they have heard. They feel their experience acknowledged, and that can be a huge relief. When we are upset, it can be pretty easy to have isolating thoughts.
Narcissists are fully aware that they are narcissistic and have a reputation as such. Narcissists would rather be admired than liked. Narcissists are masters at making first impressions, leading them to do better with short-term relationships.
Narcissists are always looking at the external, and they will want to see in your eyes that you adore them and accept them as being the incredible person they have projected. Perhaps most importantly, they are seeking validation.