punta f (plural puntes) point, tip. pinch, bit (small amount) peak, top. point, purpose, reason.
It basically means the 'tip' or 'point' of something (tip of your tongue, tip of the iceburg, etc., but for more accurate and other meanings, click the dictionary tab and type in the word - you will get detailed information.
Is Punta a bad word? No, it means point or tip of something. Punta is usually mixed with Puta which is a curse word.
English translation: whore / bitch
GLOSSARY ENTRY (DERIVED FROM QUESTION BELOW) Spanish term or phrase: puta. English translation: whore / bitch.
(Argentina, Chile, Peru, colloquial) expresses pity, disappointment, sympathy quotations ▼synonyms ▲ Synonyms: ¡Qué lata!, ¡Qué lástima!
Instead of using muchacho or muchacha or niño or niña, try out the Mexican slang term for “boy” or “girl,” which is chango or changa.
nasty adjective
sucio, mugriento; obsceno; malo, malicioso; desagradable, feo; asqueroso, repugnante.
bum = vago / vaga.
How do you say "bitch" in Spanish? - It could be "perra", "cabrona", or "zorra."¿Cómo se dice "bitch" en español? - Podría ser "perra", "cabrona" o "zorra".
Spanish-speaking social media users have pointed out that “chupa” literally means “suck” or “to suck”.
Pucha. This is often used to one's surprise (and not the birthday kind of surprise) or regret. In short, it's a 'sentence enhancer' that does not really have a good connotation. It can also be the closest translation to 'Damn/Damn it/Dammit'.
Vaina - The English word of it would be “thing” or “stuff”, and in Chile it can be used to mean almost anything. It could also make reference to a situation, or action.
¡Sí! (Yes) The Spanish word for 'yes' is 'sí.
To poop = hacer caca (is a childish expression) Regards:) Vulgar Slang: Cagar Formal: Defecar, hacer el dos, hacer popo.
jackass. noun. (donkey) asno (m); burro (m); (person) burro (m); Translate jackass using machine translators.
Malparido: Literally meaning “Poorly given birth to”, is one of the most insulting words to call someone. You can find this one across South America, but it's most common in Argentina.
There has been a phenomenon surfacing throughout Hispanic/Latinx communities on social media centered around romantic partners called “La Toxica”. For those unfamiliar with Spanish, this translates to “The Toxic One;” however, it is more popularized as toxic behaviors that female partners present in a relationship.
Mi amor and cariño are still the most common pet names used by Spanish couples. For the lovebirds who are on a high, mi cielo or just cielo is an endearing pet name to use.
Hermoso has a similar relationship with hermosura, which means “beauty”. You can also say una hermosura to mean “a beautiful woman”.