Romans 12:2 shows that we live out God's will when we change our thoughts to God's thoughts, rather than living like the world dictates. The world will always pressure us to live sinfully and selfishly, but to live the good life God wants from us requires changing how we behave—by changing our thoughts.
Simply stated, renewing your mind according to Romans 12:2 means interpreting life through the lens of God's Word and the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, rather than through the lens of your experience, woundedness, trauma, preferences, or the opinions of others.
12 2 god tells us do not be shaped by this world instead be changed within by a new way of thinking. then you will be able to decide what god wants for you. and you will be able to know what is good and pleasing to god and what is perfect.
Romans 12:1–2 answers the question, ''How should we respond to God's great mercy to us? '' The answer is to become living, breathing sacrifices, using our lives up in service to God as an ongoing act of worship. That's what makes sense.
Paul here explains how to live out the will of God: Keep in mind the rich mercy of God to you – past, present, and future (by the mercies of God). As an act of intelligent worship, decide to yield your entire self to Him (present your bodies a living sacrifice).
Romans 12 is the twelfth chapter of the Epistle to the Romans in the New Testament of the Christian Bible. It is authored by Paul the Apostle, while he was in Corinth in the mid-50s AD, with the help of an amanuensis (secretary), Tertius, who adds his own greeting in Romans 16:22.
We must think about being sacrifices that are alive to God, holy to God, and pleasing to God. Paul concludes this exhortation by pointing out that when we renew our minds, we will be able to test and approve what is the will of God.
Read: Romans 12:1-2 (MSG): So, here's what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life— you're sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him.
In Ro 12:1-2, Paul makes the following plea regarding transforming our lives: "I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, [which is] your reasonable service.
Don't let us be conformed to this world. Please transform us by the renewal of our minds, by the renewal of our minds according to your word, your ways, your truth, your grace, your wisdom. Please transform us to become like Jesus. We pray that you would transform us in such a way that we might discern your will.
Every believer receives the exact gift and resources he needs to fulfill his role in the body of Christ.” This “faith” can be thought of as a resource provided by God. As we each use our gifts to carry out our unique roles, God gives us everything we need in order to use those gifts effectively.
This message emphasizes how on our own we may not feel too important, but when we come together, keeping Jesus as the head, we can do wonderful things for God. He has made us to rely on each other, just as the body has parts that work together.
12. [1] I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.
Test And Approve God's Will
To “test and approve” means that we will be able to do what God says is best while rejecting the lies of this world. We will be able to see where the good life is truly found. Not in what the world has to offer, but rather in God. You can think of this kind of like a filter.
Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.
The only way to be saved by grace through faith is to put your trust in Jesus. God sacrificed his ONLY son for our sin. Jesus paid the ultimate price – that's true love.
Casting your anxiety on God means trusting him for handling this specific situation. If you believe that he cares (which is what the promise says), and believe that he is God, then your fears will be lifted. The Connection with Prayer.
Luke uses the Greek term koinonia to describe the ideal of the common life, which implies both community-in-Christ and the sharing of life in unity. The common life includes sharing: faith education, fellowship, meals (ordinary and ritual meals), and worship (at home and in the temple).
Serving God in your youth does mean that even when trouble comes, God can bring something good out of it (something else I can personally attest to). Another benefit of serving God is that when you focus on serving God, the troubles of life don't seem all that daunting.
Bible Gateway 2 Peter 1 :: NIV. Grace and peace be yours in abundance through the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord. His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness.
Romans 12:1-2 AMP
Therefore I urge you, brothers and sisters, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies [dedicating all of yourselves, set apart] as a living sacrifice, holy and well-pleasing to God, which is your rational (logical, intelligent) act of worship.
Romans 2: God's Righteous Judgment. Romans 2 is written to admonish the Jews that living by the law and circumcision does not make them righteous in God's eyes. This comes as quite a shock, but Paul stresses that living by rules and regulations only brings about judgment and condemnation.