gadge / gadgie - East coast term for a bloke (That gadge is mental.)
Rocket (Rocket) Scottish slang for crazy. Ronan is a rocket.
Also wubbit, wappit (m.Sc. 1922 J. Buchan Huntingtower viii.), whappit. Exhausted, tired out, played out, feeble, without energy (Per., Fif., Lth., Ayr.
Mind has a shared Scots and English heritage, deriving from the Old English noun mynd 'memory, remembrance', though several senses of the word are now more frequent in Scotland than England.
Mind - Refers to a person's ability to think and reason, but in Scots the word can also mean remember.
To be ramfeezled is to be, among other things, in a state of extreme confusion as shown in this example from the Scottish National Dictionary's (SND) 2005 Supplement: “This shows he wanted his story read inside AND outside the Ettrick Forest, and I have warstled to help this by putting among my final notes a glossary ...
Nae bother: No worries, no problem. That guy is a total bawbag. Dreich: You'll hear this a lot when the weather is wet or foul.
Interjection. och aye. (Scotland) yes, OK; used to state agreement.
HEID. This is the Scottish word for head and can be used in a variety of phrases. For example the Scottish phrase "keep the heid!" means keep calm under pressure. On the other hand, the phrase "heid the baw" refers to an irritating, dim-witted or idiotic person.
Lithe can be used of people, in which case it means gentle, genial, kindly or affectionate; this is illustrated by the following quotation from William Farquhar's The Fyvie Lintie (1904): “Adieu! dear Musie, blate but blithe aye, Lang may your he'rt be hale and lithe aye”.
The word "Bonnie" means a beautiful and good-humoured person normally referring to ladies i.e "Shes a bonnie lass!".
barra - a small child. Also, an affectionate term for a younger person (A wee barra.)
Scottish, slang (noun): a foolish person, one who has committed an act of stupidity. Additional Information. Probably originated in Glasgow. " You've forgotten what time we're meeting - you Fudd"
Scottish slang for drunk…
Blootered, Steamin', Wrecked, Bladdered, Hammered, Sloshed and Smashed to name just a few of the more regular sounding ones.
Scottish National Dictionary (1700–)
CHOOKIE, n. 2. [Perh. related to chookie n. ] A fool, general term of contempt (Gsw.
Phrase. help ma boab. expressing frustration, amazement, etc.; ≈ crikey, goodness gracious me.
Pretty or beautiful. A pretty young women could be described as “a bonnie lass”, an attractive man as “a bonnie lad”.
"You're a wee scunner!"
This was usually said with a touch of impatience, as a fair translation would be "You're a little whiner/nuisance". If I complained about being bored, or was being whiny and difficult, this was the response I'd get.
1. chiefly Scotland : good, fine. 2. chiefly Scotland : well dressed.
'Braw' is another common Scottish saying. It means fantastic, great, brilliant… essentially all that's positive and wonderful. You might hear this on your travels. Scotland is definitely a braw destination!
One of the most common ways people in Scotland say yes is 'aye'. The most commonly used languages of Scotland are English and Scottish Gaelic. Yes in Scottish Gaelic is 'Dh' òl'.
Dinna Fash - This means don't fuss/worry, it doesn't matter. (This is a Doric phrase meaning it's mostly used in the northeast of Scotland, so don't worry if a Glaswegian has no idea what you mean) Bairn/Wean - Baby or child.