This transformation has only been achieved by goku after billions of years of intense training in the other world. He was only able to maintain it for a few seconds but the amount of energy being prodced was so great it almost destroyed the universe.
Goku can only go into this form when he is so angry that he can transform into Super Saiyan 1,000 so that requires a lot of rage. This form of a Super Saiyan is available in the two games Dragon Ball: Raging Blast 5 and Dragon Ball: Super Blast.
Super Saiyan 20,000 is an unknown concept of transformation from the Dragon Ball AF series. Like his rival Super Saiyan Infinity, Super Saiyan 20,000 has no plot or even a story, just known that he's rival of Super Saiyan Infinity in the 1st Hell and have some similarities to Bernkastel.
According to Dragon Ball Z: Extreme Butōden, Super Saiyan Blue is the most powerful Super Saiyan transformation. This was also demonstrated in Goku's fight with Dyspo during the Universal Survival Arc, where Goku transformed from SSGod to SSBlue so that his attack power and speed would be maximized.
Super Saiyan 200 Is a Maximum Level saiyan that is Unobtainable and so far nobody has ever reached. Super saiyan 200 Doubles the power of super saiyan 100 by 200x And Is by far 10000x Stronger than Ultra instinct.
It's merely a fan creation. Super Saiyan 100 has been a thing of legend since the original run of Dragon Ball Z and the introduction of Super Saiyan 2 and 3. The imaginations of fans everywhere went crazy wondering just how far Goku could go. Back then, it was possible.
Super Saiyan 3 Goku at full power has a battle power of 24,000,000,000, 2 billion above Kid Buu's level.
Did you know Broly can surpass Goku after training? Depending on the circumstances, Broly has a unique ability. to tap into the power of the berserk Super Saiyan, also believed to be the real. legendary Super Saiyan in the past, and this power. gives him immense strength and durability.
Ultra Super Saiyan (超サイヤ人第3段階|, Sûpâ Saiya-jin dai san-dankai; lit. "Super Saiyan 3rd Stage") is the second branch of advanced Super Saiyan, achieved through intense training in the Super Saiyan form. This form is not related to the third branch of Super Saiyan (Full-Power Super Saiyan).
To start, if Ben scanned Goku, he would not just be as powerful as Goku. The Omnitrix doesn't factor in training or outside abilities aside from the ones inherent in the DNA. If we want to get technical, Ben would likely transform into a Goku with a power level in the 100s.
Infinity Super Saiyan is the final form in the Super Saiyan process. Goku has only achieved this form and nearly killed himself doing it. This form can also be called the Ultimate Super Saiyan but it is usually called the Infinity Super Saiyan.
Super Saiyan Infinity - its a fusion beetwen X and Goku. Its extremly powerful, nearly omnipotent.
Super Saiyan God ( 超 スーパー サイヤ 人 じん ゴッド, Sūpā Saiya-jin Goddo), occasionally referred to as Super Saiyan Red (超サイヤ人レッド, Sūpā Saiya-jin Reddo) due to its hair coloration, is a divine transformation unique to the Saiyan race.
goku is multiversal and infinite speed.
Super Saiyan ( 超 スーパー サイヤ 人 じん , Sūpā Saiya-jin), occasionally known as Super Saiyan 1 (超サイヤ人1, Sūpā Saiya-jin Wan), is a legendary transformation unique to the Saiyan race of both the sixth and seventh universes.
The Saiyan Beyond God state isn't necessarily a transformation. It is simply the name applied to the state in which a Saiyan has mastered the Super Saiyan God transformation, to the point where they are able to utilize its divine power without transforming into it.
According to an interview, Akira Toriyama designed Ultra Instinct — including its name — as a power-up for Son Gokū that would be distinct from the Super Saiyan form. It was only decided after the flow of the Universe Survival Arc's story had been decided on.
Goku achieves the ability to use Ultra Instinct Sign at will during his training with Merus, a trainee Angel who also possesses the Ultra Instinct ability. Later, Merus comments that Goku is one step away from having full mastery of the skill.
Series 1 - Battle of Gods: 13. Goku, Surpass Super Saiyan God! Goku continues to surprise Beerus with his growing powers.
Although Jiren is said to be able to defeat a God of Destruction, it's unlikely Beerus is at risk of suffering that defeat. Beerus has yet to use 100% of his powers in Dragon Ball Super thus far, whereas Jiren at 100% struggled against Mastered Ultra Instinct (MUI) Goku.
As a Super Saiyan Vegeta is able to keep up with the Cell Jr's. Vegeta's power increases when Trunks is killed by Super Perfect Cell to around 2,250,000,000.
Starting off the list as Goku's weakest form is the original Dragon Ball transformation, the base Super Saiyan form. While still useful and powerful, even the mastered Super Saiyan form is the weakest of all the branch's transformations.
Originally Answered: If Goku trained in the time room or whatever is called for one million years inside and out is a day, would he then overpower all deities from DBS, DC, and Marvel? No. Because he would die of old age or starvation long before he reached 1 million years.