In Standard English, dog can be used as a term of abuse for a person, and. in Australian English there is a specific sense of dog meaning 'a person who. betrays colleagues or changes allegiance'; it is chiefly found in the phrase to turn.
(chiefly US, slang) Dude, bud, pal, used to address a close male friend.
“Jack” (or Jacks) is the name for police. “Dog” is someone who offers information to the police against criminals. It's not in common usage, but if you hear it you want to be careful with the company you're in.
The British use common slang terms for dogs such as pooch or mutt. These are among the only slang terms for dog used throughout Britain. Other more regionally specific terms exist, like the Cockney rhyming slang “Cherry Hogg”. More recent terms like “doggo” are also often used in Britain.
Snag. Definition: sausage, also used to refer to sliced bread and sausage combo, Australian hot dog. Example: “Grab a few snags for the party tonight!” Snag isn't just a part of Australian vocabulary; it's part of Australian culture.
Australians use a couple of other colloquial words for a hen's egg. The Australian English word googie or goog is an informal term that dates from the 1880s. It derives from British dialect goggy, a child's word for an egg. A closer parallel to the jocular bum nut, however, is the word cackleberry.
chook. A domestic fowl; a chicken. Chook comes from British dialect chuck(y) 'a chicken; a fowl' which is a variant of chick. Chook is the common term for the live bird, although chook raffles, held in Australian clubs and pubs, have ready-to-cook chooks as prizes.
Doggo. Every dog is a doggo. There's no rhyme or reason behind it, it's just a cuter way of saying dog. You can even apply it to animals that aren't dogs—for example, water doggos are seals.
While the exact origins of sploot are unclear, lexicographer Grant Barrett of the A Way with Words radio show has suggested that the term sploot may riff on the word splat to characterize the splat-like (flat, spread-out) appearance of a sploot pose.
dunny – a toilet, the appliance or the room – especially one in a separate outside building. This word has the distinction of being the only word for a toilet which is not a euphemism of some kind. It is from the old English dunnykin: a container for dung. However Australians use the term toilet more often than dunny.
English/Australian slang term short for jackboots. The term can be used to describe a police officer, informant or an unreliable person. "To go jack on a mate" is the act of betraying associates or implicating them in a crime. A "jack" is someone who is considered not be trusted.
“Hard yakka” means work hard. The word “yakka” – which first appeared in the 1840s – derives from the word for work (yaga). It comes from Yagara, an Indigenous language in Australia. In fact, many Australian English words derive from Indigenous languages.
"Dog" is used when speaking to a friend, instead of using their name: 'Sup dog? (What's up, John Doe?) It can also be used with strangers in a casual situation, as a sign of respect. It gives the feeling that you would not have a problem becoming their friend.
The history of dog
About seven centuries ago, the word hound, which came from the Old English hund, was the word for all domestic canines. Dog was just used to refer to a subgroup of hounds that includes the lovely but frequently slobbering mastiff.
Meaning: A dirty dog is an untrustworthy person.
In 14th-century England, hound (from Old English hund) was the general word for all domestic canines, and dog referred to a subtype resembling the modern mastiff and bulldog. By the 16th century, dog had become the general word, and hound had begun to refer only to breeds used for hunting.
The dog word for “hello” is woof (pronounced wuf, wüf, and sometimes wrüf, depending on breed and regional dialect). Facing your dog, say woof in as energetically and friendly a way as possible (tone of voice is very important; the similar-sounding weuf means “Back off!
🐶 Dog lovers on the other hand are called Cynophiles or dogophiles! Which one are you? Definitely an Ailurophile!
They found that the most exciting words were “walkies” (equivalent to “walk” or even “outside”), “dinner/food/eat”, “treat”, “get it”, and “fetch”. Naming a toy, using the dog's name, or calling the dog a good boy or girl were also exciting for the dogs (and are some of the most commonly understood words, too5)!
A Dog Lover: A Notebook for People who Love Dogs. (The "Phile" Series)
Ketchup is underrated. We call it tomato sauce in Australia.
In Australia, the term "couch" is commonly used to refer to a long, upholstered seat designed for two or more people to sit on. However, some Australians may also use the term "sofa" or "lounge" interchangeably with "couch".