The best keys we have found to learn with are anywhere between and including the key of C and E. Yet there are some incredibly playable F key Didgeridoos that I wouldn't avoid, especially the longer ones. Don't panic; all of our didgeridoos have the key written next to them.
In this diagram, you can see that the lowest didgeridoo note is a A and the highest is a G#. It is of course possible to extend this scale beyond this range, mainly in the low/bass notes.
The length of a didgeridoo is a big factor in what key it plays. As a beginner, the didgeridoo you are after is from 100cm -40inches, or even better 120cm (47inches) to 145cm (58inches) in length. Basically the longer the didgeridoo the deeper the sound it produces.
1- Choosing a good didgeridoo
Things like resonance, tonal qualities,ease of play,shape,size and quality of construction are all important.
The length and diameter of the didgeridoo determines the pitch of the instrument. If you went out to the bush and wanted a didgeridoo in a specific key, you would overcut the branch so you have a bit of length way and then you can fine tune it to the right key by cutting it to size.
Both agave and yucca didgeridoos are excellent, lightweight, and great for healing work. Here at Didge Project we currently carry yucca didgeridoos made by Sam David made in the United States. You are also able to find yucca in places all around the world. Many makers in Mexico make agave didgeridoos.
A long straight internal column without any natural bumps and curves is usually a sign of a cheap replica (but not always). Authentic didgeridoos start out as naturally hollowed trees, hollowed out by termites.
In general, there are a few types of woods that are used most often in traditional didgeridoo making. Those wood types are: Bloodwood Eucalyptus didgeridoos. Mallee Wood Eucalyptus didgeridoos.
It is significant that non-indigenous people have been given permission from many traditional owners to play the instrument although it is acknowledged that some Aboriginal communities feel allowing non-idigenous people to play the instrument is cultural theft.
"We use a very small percentage of our lung capacity on a daily basis - by learning the didgeridoo we are learning to use more of our lungs. "The breathing technique needed to play the didgeridoo helps strengthen lung capacity and is proven to have reduced the effects of sleep apnea and asthma.
There is an order of the keys in terms of difficulty, and it is counterintuitive. The most difficult key is C major! In general, the keys that are easiest to learn are simultaneously the least natural for the hand. As a rule of thumb, the more black keys in a given key signature, the more comfortable it will be.
For a PVC didgeridoo, Didjshop (2016) recommends beginners cut their didgeridoo to 104cm for key of E, 118 cm long for a D, or 132 cm long for a C as these are easier keys with which to begin practicing. Table 3.1: Musical key, frequency, and estimated didgeridoo length.
Didgeridoo, also known as didjeridu or yidaki, is an ancient tribal instrument from Australia (Figure 1). It is a long, hollow, usually wooden tube that is blown into like a horn. It produces a distinctive and continuous low-pitched drone (frequency range 55 to 80 Hz).
Description and construction
Generally, the longer the instrument, the lower its pitch or key. However, flared instruments play a higher pitch than unflared instruments of the same length. The didgeridoo is classified as a wind instrument and is similar in form to a straight trumpet, but made of wood.
Clear and resonant sound
A round sound rich in harmonics (high pitched sounds) will resonate quickly. And you will be surprised to find that a bamboo can surpass the acoustic quality of an industrial wooden didgeridoo (Teak and Eucalyptus dug by the screw) !
The more work and craftsmanship thats put into a didgeridoo generally the more expensive it will be. A craftsmen might search deep into the forest for days to find the perfect wood and put in extra work to smooth out the tone and quality of the didgeridoos feel and sound.
Whilst in theory a didgeridoo could be used indefinitely through constant repair and maintenance, the lifespan of a didgeridoo in Aboriginal society is usually 2 to 3 years.
Count the number of sharps or flats to determine the major key. Key signatures have either all sharps or all flats. You can use the number of sharps or flats in the key signature to determine the major key represented by that key signature. Find the major key by identifying the last sharp or second-to-last flat.
There is no right or wrong when it comes to mouthpieces on a didgeridoo. Some didgeridoos can be played and keep a seal without beeswax. Beeswax mouthpieces are used on didgeridoos so that you can have a comfortable seal that connects your mouth to the didgeridoo.
Trying the digeridoo is something non-Aboriginal people should consider with sensitivity, as both male and female travelers are curious about how the instrument works. However, it is wise to allow the local Aboriginal elders where you are visiting to guide your actions.
Authentic, medium-sized didgeridoos can be purchased for between $99- $190. Larger didgeridoos can start from $500. These instruments generally take a great deal longer to craft and involve more work and effort than the cheaper alternatives. Didgeridoo Size Guide.