Simethicone (Gas-X, Mylanta Gas Minis, others) helps break up the bubbles in gas and may help gas pass through your digestive tract.
Digene tablet is an instant solution to acidity and gas issues like the bloated stomach and excessive belching. This effective chewable tablet works by neutralising the excess stomach acids that cause symptoms of acid reflux.
Products at your local pharmacy to reduce gas and bloating generally contain simethicone, activated charcoal, or a food enzyme known as alpha-galactosidase (the active ingredient in Beano) to help break down hard-to-digest foods like beans and certain vegetables.
Gaviscon Syrup is better than antacids. It is used to treat acidity and indigestion, provides quick and lasting relief, treats heartburn and gas troubles such as bloating and belching.
Drink plenty of water, include lemon juice in your diet, drink warm water, and use baking soda and lemon. Drinking a glass of cold milk, buttermilk, and mint juice also helps. You can also try drinking tea. A warm cup of fennel, chamomile, or ginger tea can help you solve stomach bloating, the root cause of gastritis.
Gastritis Treatment Medications
These contain containing aluminum and magnesium and can help relieve neutralize gastric acid. These are inexpensive and relatively safe. Examples include: Alka-Seltzer, Milk of Magnesia, Gaviscon, Pepto-Bismol and Tums.
The difference between acidity and gas is: Acidity is the condition in which the body produces more than the required amount of acid for digestion. Acidity is usually accompanied by heartburn. While Gas is produced in the colon and its aids in digestion.
ever had an allergic reaction to Gaviscon or any other medicines. been advised to eat a low calcium or low salt (low sodium) diet. kidney or heart disease. a rare, inherited illness called phenylketonuria.
Gastritis, or gastric problem, is a condition that causes swelling, redness, and general inflammation of the stomach lining. The symptoms of the gastric problem include bloating, nausea, and indigestion. Doctors recommend dietary modifications and other medications for treatment.
There are no treatments that will permanently cure the problem of gastrointestinal disorder. The only way to keep your gastric trouble at bay is by avoiding spicy, greasy and fried foods, avoid dairy foods and those rich in sugar. Eat meals small in portion and chew them well before swallowing.
Gastritis can happen suddenly and be short-lived (acute gastritis), or develop gradually and last over a few months or years (chronic gastritis). While gastritis can be mild and heal on its own, sometimes treatment may be needed, depending on the cause and symptoms.
The most common cause of stomach pain and bloating is excess intestinal gas. If you get a bloated stomach after eating, it may be a digestive issue. It might be as simple as eating too much too fast, or you could have a food intolerance or other condition that causes gas and digestive contents to build up.
Peppermint and peppermint tea have long been used to soothe digestive issues including bloating. It is one of the best teas for bloating because of its high concentration of flavonoids. In simple terms, flavonoids help to calm the bacteria in your digestive tract which often cause high levels of gas and bloating.
The most common reason for bloating is having a lot of gas in your gut. This can be caused by some food and drinks, such as some vegetables and fizzy drinks, or by swallowing air when you eat. It can also be caused by a problem with your digestion, such as: constipation.
Avoid vegetables such as peas, onions, artichokes, cabbage, broccoli, brussels sprouts, cauliflower, mushrooms, as well as asparagus. Avoid whole grains that are high in carbohydrates such as whole wheat, bran, and pasta. While delicious, avoid fruits such as peaches, prunes, apples, and pears.
Drink warm water
Water stimulates peristalsis (movement in the intestine). Drinking a cup of warm water may help relieve gas and cramps.
Factors such as hormonal imbalances, food intolerances, constipation, gut bacteria imbalances, large or small intestinal parasites and certain medications can all result in bloating without passing gas. It's important to remember that while gas may be a sign of true bloating, it depends on what else you are feeling.