The RGB values for Huls Q14-58T Lord Richard Gray are 156, 160, 159 and the HEX code is #9CA09F. The LRV for Huls Q14-58T Lord Richard Gray is 34.62.
Color / 1F2022 / rich gray :: COLOURlovers.
Information about Gray / #808080
In a CMYK color space (also known as process color, or four color, and used in color printing), hex #808080 is made of 0% cyan, 0% magenta, 0% yellow and 50% black. Gray has a hue angle of 0 degrees, a saturation of 0% and a lightness of 50.2%.
The RGB values for Dunn Edwards DE6369 Legendary Gray are 113, 114, 113 and the HEX code is #717271.
In RGB values, silver comprises R: 192, G: 192, and B: 192. Silver is a metallic, shiny version of gray (hex #808080).
Why is CMYK black not black? If you use 100% K to create a black in CMYK color mode, you'll end up with a deep gray, not a true black. To get rich black, you need to add the right amount of all four colors: cyan, magenta, yellow, and black.
Average method is the most simple one. You just have to take the average of three colors. Since its an RGB image, so it means that you have add r with g with b and then divide it by 3 to get your desired grayscale image.
? Grey 700 Color Code, #616161, rgb(97, 97, 97) | Material UI Colors.
In the CMYK model, grey is obtained by adding black (K). To compose a tone of grey, make sure that you set your black (K) color to a certain percentage between 0% and 100%. Avoid using the three other colors (by setting Cyan, Magenta, and Yellow to 0%).
Regular black has CMYK values of: C = 0, M = 0, Y = 0, K = 100. Rich black uses CMYK values of: C = 60, M = 60, Y = 60, K = 100.
Go to Control panel and then Devices and Printers. Find and right-click on your printer and click on Printing Preferences. Go to Quick Setup tab and then select Grayscale.
Steel gray is a cool gray color with the hex code #71797E, made of nearly equal parts red, green, and blue in the RGB color system. Steel gray is a metal-inspired shade very similar in color to silver, and slightly bluer than gunmetal gray.
Silver or metallic gray is a color tone resembling gray that is a representation of the color of polished silver.
Graphite can be considered a shade of gray, created through a mix of blue, white and black. Neutral shades such as graphite do not appear on a traditional color wheel, rather, they sit independently with other 'non-colors' such as black and white.
In CMYK, blue is one of the most challenging colors to reproduce accurately. We suggest you use even and balanced mixtures, like 100-50-0-0. Otherwise, the result will be a purple or green color.
For the best possible results, we recommend a rich black value of C60, M40, Y40, K100 for all printed products. C0, M0, Y0, K100 will usually result in a very dark gray, but not a rich black.
The Best Way to Print Gray
Although gray is a difficult colour to achieve on a digital printer, the CMYK method is the best approach. The colour breakdown that works best will vary from printer to printer, but we recommend setting your CMY values and then adjusting the K levels to achieve the shade of gray you want.
To create a new CMYK document in Photoshop, go to File > New. In the New Document window, simply switch the color mode to CMYK (Photoshop defaults to RGB). If you're wanting to convert an image from RGB to CMYK, then simply open the image in Photoshop. Then, navigate to Image > Mode > CMYK.
CMYK stands for cyan, magenta, yellow, and black. We use K to stand for black because if we used B, it could be confused with blue.
This can be classified as a dark gray color and is the color that can be found between white and black. As you can see from the percentage of color for printing, only 50 percent black is used, with no other colors. This particular color is considered the standard gray.