What is the difference between a dowager's hump and a buffalo hump? Some people may refer to a buffalo hump as a “dowager's hump.” However, dowager's humps are due to kyphosis, which involves bone placement and posture. Buffalo humps are due to the development of a fat pad between the shoulder blades.
What causes a buffalo hump? A buffalo hump is most commonly a result of Cushing syndrome, a disorder of excess cortisol, a naturally occurring hormone that is involved in a variety of bodily processes, such as metabolism. High levels of the hormone cortisol can lead to increased fat synthesis.
Dowager's Hump is an outward curvature of the thoracic vertebrae of the upper back. It appears as a rounded hunch that many people refer to as a hunchback. In addition to the bump on the base of the neck, Dowager's Hump has a forward head posture where your head is jutting forward.
While there are different types of liposuction, often the most effective in addressing the buffalo hump is power-assisted liposuction since the tissue is quite fibrous. Direct excision is another option to remove the buffalo hump, whereby the prominent fatty tissue is excised through an overlying incision.
A chiropractor can help you treat Dowager's condition in multiple ways. The first step is to use a Dowager's Hump correction brace that can help you correct the overall curvature of your spine. It may take some time for this brace to have a significant impact on your Dowager's Hump.
A relative simple Vaser Liposuction with 2-3 small skin incisions can remove excess build-up fat hump, smooth out the area and restore your normal body shape and function.
A hump behind your shoulders, sometimes called a buffalo hump or a dorsocervical fat pad, is a buildup of fat behind and slightly below your neck. It is one sign of lipodystrophy, which is the medical term for a problem with how your body makes, uses, and stores fat.
However, it can take as long as three months to get back if you've been habitually slouching.
Unfortunately, diet and exercise changes are unlikely to improve the appearance of your upper back once a buffalo hump has formed. This is because the fat deposits have hardened and can't be removed without surgical interference.
Dowager's Hump is a forward bending of the spine. This outward curvature of the upper back and compression of the front sections of the vertebrae cause a person to lean forward, slouching their shoulders and rounding their back, which in turn, creates a permanent hump on the upper back.
Scoliosis refers to a sideways (lateral) curvature of the spine, but when your spine curves forward, this is often referred to as a Dowager's Hump.
Physical therapy and massage
A physical therapist can help you work with your body, advising some specific neck hump exercises and massages to correct your posture and reduce that buffalo hump.
It's unlikely you'd have a hump from Cushing's syndrome without any of the other problems it causes, such as rounded face, weakness, marked weight gain, absence of menstrual periods, excessive growth of hair on the face, arms and other parts of the body and high blood pressure.
Along with your doctor's recommended treatment, you may be able to reduce buffalo hump through lifestyle changes such as: Eating a sensible diet that includes calcium and vitamin D to help strengthen bones. Exercising regularly with low-impact activities such as tai chi or water aerobics.
Flat On Your Back. Lying on your back is considered the best sleeping position because it disperses the full weight of your body. This minimizes the number of pressure points on your back and fully supports the natural curvature of your spine.
Try sleeping on your side. But if that isn't possible, you can modify your stomach-sleeping position by placing a thin pillow or folded towel under your pelvis. The point: By elevating your pelvis, you'll reduce the arch in your low back.
Muscle knots: Massage, acupuncture, stretching exercises, physical therapy, and pain relief medications can alleviate muscle knot symptoms. Cysts: If a cyst is causing irritation, the most effective treatment is incisional drainage and, usually, eventual surgical removal.
Cost of Buffalo Hump Removal
Depending on the method, liposuction costs can fall between $3,000 and $6,000 and, in some extreme cases, over $10,000. Unfortunately, insurance does not cover most procedures to remove the buffalo hump.
Before seeing a plastic surgeon, patients should see their primary care physician or PCP to evaluate possible medical causes of a buffalo hump. A simple physical examination will determine the presence of a buffalo hump, but a series of tests may be required for further evaluation.
Treatment options for buffalo hump
It's best to treat the hump by addressing the underlying condition that caused it. In some cases, cosmetic surgery can remove the fat deposit. However, unless the cause is also treated, the hump may return.
The acupuncture treatment can help clear up the fat behind the neck, and remove the blocks to help blood circulation more smoothly. Therapy massage treatment can relieve the tightness and soreness of the muscle, help the muscle to have a rest, and make it support the head better.
Dowager's hump can sometimes go away on its own if you're consistent with stretches and treatment. Keep in mind though that this is a rough condition and will take many months to improve. If left untreated, it can worsen. You'll find that your body aches more and that your spine keeps curving forward.