After the eyes, the most noticeable features on a man are the smile, height, hands and style in that order – which might not be great news for those among us who are vertically challenges (or toothless, for that matter).
Smile. A beautiful smile is one of the things most men notice first in a woman. A smiling woman is considered to be much more attractive and approachable. She sends the signal of happiness and optimism.
What is the first thing that attracts a man to a woman?
The first thing anyone notices about another person is definitely their looks and their appearance. Even in matters of love, the basic thing that attracts a guy to a girl is their guise and the way they look. However, that is not the only factor that appeals to eyes of men.
What women want in a man is faithfulness and dependability, a sense of humor, the ability to listen, and a sense of style. Only 13 percent of women cited muscular build as a factor in physical attractiveness. On the other hand, 66 percent of women said moral integrity will “make me quiver."
We women tend to get a bit over-excited about certain things, and while we can be a tad neurotic and frenzied, irresistible men seem to simply radiate calm and a can-do attitude. A steady gaze and cool written all over his face makes his sex appeal shoot through the roof.
Research shows that humor and kindness are also characteristics which women find attractive in a man. Clear skin and masculine features are often cited as two physical characteristics which women find desirable in men.
Still others have found that a mixture of mature features (large lower jaw, prominent cheekbones, and thick eyebrows) and neotenous features (large eyes and small nose) is the most desirable configuration of male faces (Cunningham, Barbee, & Pike, 1990).
The physical appearance of a man is what makes him attractive to a woman at first sight. This physical attractiveness includes facial hair, body structure, and the man's legs for some women. Wearing a nice cologne that mimics a certain smell to you can make you more attractive.
Scientists in Italy found that both sexes were primed to focus on a woman's appearance, not the brain or her personality or her creativity. Researchers in New Zealand also found that men looked first at the breasts, then at the waist, and finally at the face.
While men seem to be genetically predisposed to be attracted to women in their mid-to-late-20s, women tend to be attracted to men around their ages, if not older; this means men in their 30s have the best of both worlds. Men in their 30s are attractive to a wide range of women, from 20-somethings to women in their 40s.
When he can't laugh at himself. A sense of humor is one of the most attractive things a guy can have and it literally has nothing to do with looks. So when a guy can't trip over himself while you're walking and laugh about it, or just takes himself too seriously in general, it's really a put-off.
Research from Penn State indicates that men with symmetrical faces are often considered more attractive than those with asymmetrical faces. A defined jawline and prominent cheekbones are also attractive features that can give some men a more chiseled or defined look.
Women desire a man who is honorable, fair, and ethical. In terms of relationships, having integrity can help strengthen the bond a man has with a woman, as his moral principles will guide his behavior and help him to be the best partner that he can be.