Point your nipple very high towards their nose, try to get as much of the bottom part of your areola into your baby's mouth and use your finger to flip their top lip up after they have latched on.
With your baby's head tilted back and chin up, lift him or her to touch your nipple. The nipple should rest just above the baby's upper lip. Wait for your baby to open very wide, then "scoop" the breast by placing the lower jaw on first. Now tip your baby's head forward and place the upper jaw well behind your nipple.
Tilt their head back a bit and guide them towards your breast. Make sure their chin is leading the way - we don't want any nose-dives here! And aim that nipple like a pro, placing it between their nose and top lip while giving their lower lip plenty of room to wiggle around and draw out all that precious milk.
Your baby needs to get a big mouthful of breast. Placing your baby with their nose level with your nipple will encourage them to open their mouth wide and attach to the breast well. Try not to hold the back of your baby's head, so that they can tip their head back.
A shallow latch occurs when a baby's mouth has mostly just the nipple or the nipple and very little areola in their mouth when they start feeding, and your nipple is at the very front of their mouth.
Pain and nipple damage point to a shallow latch. When babies have a shallow latch, they will remove less milk than needed. Over time, this can lead to poor weight gain or weight loss. It will also lead to lowered milk supply if not corrected.
Babies tend to improve their latch as they mature and grow. Some babies will latch better when you try a different position.
If a baby feels unstable, has to turn their head into an awkward angle, or is prevented from using their feeding reflexes; they may find it difficult to latch and might cry or pull away from the breast.
Tickle your baby's lips with your nipple. This will help baby open their mouth wide. Aim your nipple just above your baby's top lip. Make sure your baby's chin isn't tucked into their chest.
Cross-cradle hold
“Out of all the breastfeeding positions, this is the one most moms prefer because baby is draped across your body and you can easily see what they're doing when latching,” Nguyen says. It's also the easiest nursing-in-public position.
The latch should not feel uncomfortable – it should be more of a tugging sensation. Watch your baby – at first he'll do short, rapid sucks to stimulate your milk flow (let-down reflex). Once milk starts flowing, he'll suck more slowly and deeply with some pauses, which may indicate he's taking in milk – a good sign!
How do I know whether my breasts are empty? There's no test or way to know for sure. In general, though, if you gently shake your breasts and they feel mostly soft and you don't feel the heaviness of milk sitting in them, you're probably fine.
While it may be a bit more challenging at first, typically, you can achieve a successful latch with large nipples by making simple adjustments in positioning. It's helpful for the baby's mouth to be straight on when making their latch, which encourages a full mouthful of nipple and areola.
Some babies are snackers – they nurse for a minute or two, take a break, and then go back. Other babies can drain the breast in two minutes and be satisfied for a few hours. It depends on how much milk you're making and your let down, too.
To find out if your baby is sucking only on your nipple, check what your nipple looks like when it comes out of your baby's mouth. Your nipple should not look flat or compressed. It should look round and long or the same shape as it was before the feeding. Get answers to common questions about breastfeeding and pain.
Signs of a Poor Breastfeeding Latch
Your child is sucking in their cheeks as they try to breastfeed. Your baby does not have their lips out like a fish. You can see that they have their lips tucked in and under, instead. You can hear a clicking or smacking noises as your little one tries to suck.
If your baby is not latching on to your breast the right way, they may not be able to get the milk out of your breasts very efficiently, which can cause your body to produce less milk. 10 (It's the removal of milk from your breasts that tells your body to make more.)
A shallow latch leads to decreased milk intake. This can lead to improper weight gain. Another issue that is important in considering latch is milk production. The milk is produced by the milk being properly removed by the baby.
If a baby has a high or narrow palate and gags on the nipple or insists on a shallow latch, it may help to desensitize the palate. Begin by massaging the baby's palate near the gum-line. Progressively massage deeper, but avoid gagging the baby.
“If your baby has a poor latch on the breast or bottle, they may gulp in more air as they feed.” said Alyson Boone, CPNP-PC, a certified pediatric nurse practitioner in primary care with Banner Health Clinic in Mesa, AZ. “This can increase fussiness and gas.”
Factors such as prematurity, jaundice, infection, heart disease, a mother's medicines, and many others can affect a baby's ability to stay alert or coordinate the suck-swallow-breathe actions. Other mechanical issues that may play a role include tongue-tie or a cleft lip or cleft palate.