eryth·ro·pho·bia. -ˈfōbēə : morbid avoidance of the color red. : fear of blushing.
Erythrophobia is the term for fear of blushing. A phobia is a type of anxiety disorder in which a person experiences extreme fear or anxiety about a particular situation or object. If a person experiences severe blushing, it can lead to erythrophobia, which can adversely affect their work and social life.
Erythrophobia is related to anxiety disorders. It's an abnormal and chronic fear of blushing that often appears to be irrational. The fear is related to being the center of attention. Those with social anxiety may also be more prone to the residual feelings of embarrassment or shyness.
For many, scopophobia may be a symptom of social anxiety disorder, rather than existing as a stand-alone condition. Social anxiety is common in the US, with some research estimating up to 15% of people will develop the condition at some point in their lives.
Nyctophobia is very common, especially among children. Some researchers estimate that nearly 45% of children have an unusually strong fear of some kind. Fear of the dark is one of the most common fears among kids between 6 and 12 years old. Kids usually outgrow nyctophobia by adolescence, but not always.
Megalophobia is common among many people, but can be felt and experienced differently. For example, someone might just be afraid of large animals like elephants and whales, while others might be afraid of man-made objects specifically.
Xanthophobia, fear of the color yellow.
Surgery for severe blushing
Endoscopic thoracic sympathectomy (ETS) is an operation to cure severe facial blushing. The operation is performed under general anaesthesia. It's a treatment of last resort when all other options have been exhausted. The cure rate for facial blushing is around 90%.
Panophobia or the fear of everything phobia might sound bizarre, but it does exist in the list of non-specific phobias. It is known by other names like Omniphobia or Pantophobia.
What are the most important facts to know about glossophobia? Glossophobia is a very common phobia characterized by a strong fear of public speaking. Individuals with glossophobia may avoid speaking in public, as they typically experience fear and anxiety when speaking in front of a group of people.
Heliophobia is the fear of the sun, sunlight, or any bright light. It is a type of specific phobia. Heliophobia.
Allodoxaphobia falls under the category rare and unusual social phobias.
This is a rare social phobia which is characterised by an overwhelming and irrational fear of other people's opinions, making dinner party arguments or work meetings hellish experiences.
Though excessive facial blushing is not a life-threatening condition, it can have serious emotional and psychological effects on sufferers. In severe cases, individuals find themselves entirely unproductive at work and school during episodes severely impacting their performance.
1. Arachibutyrophobia (Fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of your mouth) Arachibutyrophobia is the fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of your mouth. While the phenomenon has happened to everyone at one point or another, people with arachibutyrophobia are extremely afraid of it.
Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia is the fear of long words. Understanding the phobia can help you overcome it and live a fulfilling life. Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia is one of the longest words in the dictionary, and ironically, it means the fear of long words.
It typically affects children, but many adults still deal with a fear of thunderstorms. Astraphobia is one of the most common specific phobias.
a phobia may be a learned response that a person develops early in life from a parent or sibling (brother or sister) genetics may play a role – there's evidence to suggest that some people are born with a tendency to be more anxious than others.
1) Arachnophobia – fear of spiders
Arachnophobia is the most common phobia – sometimes even a picture can induce feelings of panic. And lots of people who aren't phobic as such still avoid spiders if they can.