An HPV test is usually done at the same time as a Pap test — a test that collects cells from your cervix to check for abnormalities or the presence of cancer. An HPV test can be done using the same sample from the Pap test or by collecting a second sample from the cervical canal.
Nucleic Acid Test (NAT)
This test can tell if a person has HIV or how much virus is present in the blood (HIV viral load test). A NAT can detect HIV sooner than other types of tests.
The HPV test involves inserting a speculum (small instrument) into the vagina so your doctor can see the cervix and then obtain a cell sample with a small brush, spatula, or scraper. It takes a few seconds and should be painless. If you're getting a Pap smear at the same time, the sample will be used for both tests.
Unfortunately, there is no swab or blood test to test for HPV. A sexual health check at the doctors/clinic (routine check up) is not able to detect skin viruses, HPV or HSV (genital herpes). HPV can be diagnosed only if a person has visible warts on genital skin or if they have an abnormal cervical smear result.
A positive HPV test can be a surprise, but knowing the facts can give you relief. Four out of five people will get it at some point.
You can get HPV by having vaginal, anal, or oral sex with someone who has the virus. It is most commonly spread during vaginal or anal sex. It also spreads through close skin-to-skin touching during sex. A person with HPV can pass the infection to someone even when they have no signs or symptoms.
Don't panic.
In most cases, your body is able to fight HPV on its own, and the virus will go away without causing any health problems in one or two years.
Pap tests, sometimes called Pap smears, look for abnormal cells on your cervix that can possibly lead to cervical cancer. Pap tests find cell changes caused by high-risk HPV, but they don't test for HPV itself. After your doctor sends your Pap test to the lab, the results will come back as “normal” or “abnormal.”
Although most HPV infections go away within two years, some will not. HPV infections that do not go away can "hide" in the body for years and not be detected. That's why it is impossible to know exactly when someone got infected, how long they've been infected, or who passed the infection to them.
During an HPV test, your doctor or nurse puts a speculum (a tool that helps your doctor or nurse see your cervix) into your vagina and uses a soft brush to collect cells from the outside of your cervix. The cells are tested in a laboratory. Pap tests and HPV tests can be done at the same time (called co-testing).
Infection with high-risk HPV does not usually cause symptoms. The precancerous cell changes caused by a persistent HPV infection at the cervix rarely cause symptoms, which is why regular cervical cancer screening is important. Precancerous lesions at other sites in the body may cause symptoms like itching or bleeding.
HPV is often more difficult to diagnose in women because it's hard to detect or feel for warts inside the vagina or on the cervix. It's important for women who are sexually active to have regular pelvic exams and Pap tests with or without HPV tests.
For 90 percent of women with HPV, the condition will clear up on its own within two years. Only a small number of women who have one of the HPV strains that cause cervical cancer will ever actually develop the disease.
Based on a study that included more than one million women, IRP researcher Julia C. Gage, Ph. D., M.P.H. , and colleagues determined that a negative test for HPV infection provides greater safety, or assurance, against future risk of cervical cancer, compared to a negative result from a Pap test.
Most men who get HPV never have symptoms. The infection usually goes away by itself. But, if HPV does not go away, it can cause genital warts or certain kinds of cancer. Talk to your healthcare provider about anything new or unusual on your penis, scrotum, anus, mouth, or throat.
Those who said they were depressed or believed they had high levels of stress also still had an active HPV infection. HPV usually clears up on its own, but this study is really the first to indicate a link between stress and persistent HPV infection.
Having HPV is not something to be ashamed of, and it's not a sign that you or your partner have been unfaithful. Having HPV is just a totally normal part of life.
Some HPV infections can lead to cancer
Most HPV infections (9 out of 10) go away by themselves within 2 years. But sometimes, HPV infections will last longer and can cause some cancers. HPV infections can cause cancers of the: Cervix, vagina, and vulva.
Some women for whom we test for HPV will have a normal pap smear, but have a positive high risk HPV result. This is particularly confusing because they may have never had an abnormal pap smear, and they may never even develop one.
An abnormal pap smear may suggest HPV or precancerous tissue changes of the cervix. Your doctor or care provider may recommend a procedure called colposcopy, which uses a microscope to carefully examine the cervix for abnormal cellular patterns. A cervical biopsy is often performed to make a diagnosis of HPV.
HPV usually doesn't make you feel sick or cause any symptoms. Your immune system can fight off the infection before you ever know you have it, but you could still spread it to others before that happens. If you do get symptoms, the most common signs of HPV are genital warts.
If you still have HPV after 3 years, you may need to have a colposcopy. You'll be asked to have a colposcopy. Information: HPV is a common virus and most people will get it at some point.
HPV can stay in the body for 10-20 years. Finding out you have HPV doesn't mean you or your partner have been unfaithful. It's your decision whether or not to tell your partner you have HPV.