- Paris law states that any man carrying onions must be given the right of way in the streets. - Don't pinch a girl's bottom in Italy, it is permitted. - In Switzerland, it is illegal to ski down a mountain while reciting poetry. We couldn't let our great nation get by without a mention.
Don't Drive Blindfolded in Alabama
You can't wash your neighbour's car without permission in Los Angeles. It's illegal to drive while your dog is tethered to your car in Alaska. You can't drive a car in reverse in public roads in Arizona. You're not allowed to drive a black car on a Sunday in Denver, Colorado.
This crime is punishable by fines and up to 10 years in prison. If you are convicted of damaging U.S. bills or coins, you may face fines, jail time, or both. For bills, the maximum fine is $100 and the maximum jail sentence is six months. For coins, the prison sentence can be up to five years.
Strange laws, also called weird laws, dumb laws, futile laws, unusual laws, unnecessary laws, legal oddities, or legal curiosities, are laws that are perceived to be useless, humorous or obsolete, i.e. no longer applicable (in regard to current culture or modern law).
The oldest written set of laws known to us is the Code of Hammurabi. He was the king of Babylon between 1792 BC and 1758 BC. Hammurabi is said to have been handed these laws by Shamash, the God of Justice.
Under the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth), when someone creates content in Australia they automatically obtain intellectual property rights to the work. This means the creator has exclusive rights over the use, licence and adaptions of the work.
Big law refers to working in a large law firm specialising in commercial law in any of the major cities in Australia.
Carrying more than 50kg of potatoes in WA
Potato Inspectors have the right to demand the name and address of anyone in possession of what appears to be more than 50kgs of potatoes, and can seize them as evidence. The fine is $2,000 for your first offence, or $5,000 for your second offence.
Well, located in the Sonoran Desert in California, is America's only law-free area; Slab City. Its name comes from the concrete slabs that were left behind by Marine Corps barracks of Camp Dunlap during World War II. Several campers, travellers, and squatters occupy the area, many of which are retired.
Due to a lack of awareness, deepfake-specific laws exist in only a few states. Texas has a law banning deepfakes created to influence elections, Virginia banned deepfake pornography, and California has laws against both malicious deepfakes within 60 days of an election and nonconsensual deepfake pornography.
Bad law may be considered to include unsound interpretation of legal principles, or a proposition of law that is erroneous, or an attempted statement of the law that is inaccurate, or non-law.
Secret law refers to legal authorities that require compliance that are classified or otherwise withheld from the public.
To be lawless is to be without law, which stems from the Old English lagu, "law or rule." Definitions of lawless. adjective. without law or control. synonyms: anarchic, anarchical uncontrolled.
It is an offence under the Crimes (Currency) Act 1981 to intentionally deface, disfigure, mutilate or destroy Australian banknotes without the consent of the Reserve Bank or Treasury.
“Whoever fraudulently alters, defaces, mutilates, impairs, diminishes, falsifies, scales, or lightens any of the coins coined at the mints of the United States shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years, or both.”
You can use your cash as is if a corner is missing. If it's ripped into two pieces, tape them back together and take the bill to a bank, where they will make sure the serial numbers on both sides of the note match and give you a new one.
It is now widely agreed that a person can be morally justified in breaking a law, even a valid law in a democracy whose institutions are by and large just. There is much less agreement, however, about the sorts of considerations that constitute good moral reasons in support of disobedience.
In his book Three Felonies a Day, civil-liberties lawyer Harvey Silverglate estimates that the average person unknowingly breaks at least three federal criminal laws every day.
Breaking the law can be ethically justified in three circumstances: when governments ignore the wishes of the majority; when they break their election pledges; and when they violate human rights. If these principles clash, the protection of human rights should always come first.