Use the adjective sesquipedalian to describe a word that's very long and multisyllabic. For example the word sesquipedalian is in fact sesquipedalian. Sesquipedalian can also be used to describe someone or something that overuses big words, like a philosophy professor or a chemistry textbook.
Some common synonyms of wise are judicious, prudent, sage, sane, sapient, and sensible. While all these words mean "having or showing sound judgment," wise suggests great understanding of people and of situations and unusual discernment and judgment in dealing with them.
Highly intelligent people are usually highly rational, even when they are also emotionally intense. They enjoy finding solutions to big problems and are aware of their deep potentials. However, they are often misunderstood. Being different, they are often scapegoated.
Pulchritudinous (and pulchritude) come from the Latin pulcher (which means “beautiful”), the same source for a number of uncommon words in English, such as pulchrify (“to beautify”), pulchritudeness (a synonym of pulchritude), and pulchrous ("fair or beautiful”).
Is Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious a real word?
Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious is used to describe something that is extremely good, super, amazing, or excellent. It is a real world and is listed in most dictionaries. It was made famous in the 1964 Disney movie Mary Poppins which features a song that uses the word supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.
Antidisestablishmentarianism. For most people, it's the longest word they know. For others, it's a bona fide tongue twister at a whopping total 28 letters and 13 syllables.
isoleucine is the chemical name for the protein of “titin” also known as “connectin.” The largest known protein that consists of 26, 926 amino acids is made up of 189, 819 letters and can take about three hours to pronounce.
Ability to learn new topics quickly. Ability to process new and complex information rapidly. Desire to explore specific topics in great depth. Insatiable curiosity, often demonstrated by many questions.
Teddy Hobbs might be the brainiest little boy in Britain. Still only 4 years old, Teddy could count to 100 before he turned 2. Now he can do it in seven different languages. "I just assumed, you know, every child has their own quirk.