Weaknesses of the Enneagram 9
Having difficulties confronting other people. The tendency to minimize their feelings to avoid conflict. Avoidance behaviours when they find situations upsetting. Find themselves being passive-aggressive rather than facing their problems head-on.
Level 9: They finally become severely disoriented and catatonic, abandoning themselves, turning into shattered shells. Multiple personalities possible. Generally corresponds to the Schizoid and Dependent personality disorders.
Beneath their peaceful facades, Nines actually have a reservoir of anger and rage they hide from themselves and others. This resentment stems from their Core Fear of being overlooked, disconnected, unstable, and at the mercy of others' needs and preferences.
Recognize anger
As part of the Body/Instinctive triad in the Enneagram, Type 9s have a sensitive issue around anger. They subconsciously deny and under-express it, and it often comes as a surprise to Type 9s that they have unprocessed anger. They often don't recognize this.
While Fours are stereotypically known for being sad, and complaining about life a lot, Fours are quite a mixed bag. Some Fours appear to be very happy as they hide their sadness very well. Other Fours find it easier to hide their hurt with anger, and lash out at people.
Type 9s: Fear being confronted
Peacemakers are fearful of conflict, disharmony and being disconnected from others. They therefore refrain from questioning or challenging themselves or other people and instead accommodate others to maintain peace, harmony and stability.
The Unhealthy Enneagram One – The Criticizer
They will become punitive and condemning to anything or anyone that disagrees with their position. At their worst extreme, Ones do the very things they publicly condemn.
While Nines will go out of their way to accommodate others and downplay their own needs, setting themselves up to be overlooked, Nines dislike being ignored. Many Enneagram Nines are unaware of their own passive aggressive behaviour patterns and how these affect others around them.
Enneagram 9s in Grief and Loss
Since 9s are in the gut/body triad, anger is more likely to flare up especially if there is any sense of not being heard or conflict involved. They may easily dip into the negative type 9 traits such as being indecisive, passive aggressive, and forgetful.
Type Fives don't pair as well with Nines
Both types tend to go into their imaginary worlds to stay safe, making it difficult for them to connect.
They become passive-aggressive.
Passive-aggressive behavior and “negative implementation” are classic tools Type 9s use to stand their ground and yet still avoid conflict. They may agree to do something they never intend to do.
Some Nines recognize their anger, they have feelings of resentment, they blow up on occasion, they might experience road rage. But many Nines do not “get angry” and are confused to hear that this is their leading emotional issue.
The Enneagram Nine Child – The Rejection of Their Voice
In a family where there was frequent conflict or turmoil, they learned to “tune out” the problems and try to numb themselves to the conflict inside.
In Stress: Nines take on qualities of Sixes, becoming overcommitted, worried, rigid, and anxious. They may doubt themselves which makes decision-making even harder, and can become uncharacteristically reactive.
Nines have a tendency to shut down and disconnect from the world when they are not healthy. They separate themselves from their internal motivation. A lot of times the term Sloth is related to laziness or physical inaction.
Type Nines commonly pair well with Ones, Twos.
Reassuring and harmonious, Nines are supportive to a fault, their conflict-averse nature may cause them to minimize and simplify problems.
First, it can be hard for them to get a partner. Type 9s tend to be wallflowers, and potential romantic prospects may be drawn to flashier, more gregarious types initially. However, once people get to know Type 9s, they're attracted to their calm, caring personalities.
Negative Traits of Type 9
Conflict avoidant, indecisive, unassertive, passive-aggressive, stubborn, insecure, forgetful.
Which Enneagram Styles Are Narcissistic? Relying on Theodore Millon's description of the narcissistic personality, Claudio Naranjo (1994) refers to Enneastyle Seven as the narcissist.
Sixes are one of the most anxiety-prone types of the Enneagram and tend to overreact when under stress. Identifying what triggers an overreaction as well as finding space to process their thoughts in the aftermath of a crisis is crucial for their mental health and general well-being.
Enneagram Type 2, also known as "The Giver," is often viewed as one of the nicest types due to their caring and empathetic nature. They are driven by a desire to be likable and may instinctively put the needs of others before their own.
Both Type Three and Type Seven avoid feeling empathy for other people because they believe it interferes with their goals. Developing an awareness of your type and your behaviour, however, can help you to recognize some gaps in your social and emotional development and find ways to bridge those gaps.
The emotional drive of type 9 is called sloth which refers to a sense of inertia or laziness particularly with regard to yourself and your priorities or agenda.
Type 1. Now, the core emotion of type 1 is anger and resentment. Their core belief is that they know the right way to do things, and feel it's their duty to fix things that are not being done correctly.