Under Book 5, article 638 of the Islamic Penal Code, women in Iran who do not wear a hijab may be imprisoned from 10 days to two months, and/or required to pay fines from 50,000 up to 500,000 rials adjusted for inflation.
But other women protested a decision by Grand Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini ordering the hijab to be worn in public. In 1983, it became the law, enforced with penalties including fines and two months in prison. Forty years later, women in central and northern Tehran can be seen daily without headscarves.
Police say anyone who violates the dress code would first be warned, then prosecuted if they didn't comply. Critics of the mandatory headscarf say it serves to oppress half of the population when outside the home. The hijab has been mandatory in Iran, and highly controversial, for more than four decades.
In the Islamic law of Iran imposed shortly after the 1979 Islamic revolution, article 638 of 5th book of Islamic Penal Code (called Sanctions and deterrent penalties) women who do not wear a hijab may be imprisoned from ten days to two months, and/or required to pay fines from Rls.
Such acts of civil disobedience have increased in Iran -- where the law requires women and girls over the age of 9 to wear a head scarf in public -- since Amini's death.
In the Indonesian Aceh province, Muslim women are required to wear the hijab and all women are required to do so regardless of religion in Iran and Afghanistan. In countries such as Saudi Arabia, the hijab is not required.
Wearing a hijab is an obligation for Muslim women, but there are some circumstances in which it can be removed. These include prayer, being around immediate family members, breastfeeding during an emergency, travel, and sports or physical education participation.
In Saudi Arabia, the hijab is seen as a symbol of piety and modesty. It is also seen as a way to distinguish Muslim women from non-Muslim women. While there is no law in Saudi Arabia that requires women to wear the hijab, it is strongly encouraged.
“If a woman is caught without a hijab, her mahram (a male guardian) will be warned. The second time, the guardian will be summoned [by Taliban officials], and after repeated summons, her guardian will be imprisoned for three days,” according to the statement.
Iran has a long history of imposing rules about what women can and cannot wear, violating their fundamental rights. In the 1930s, the then-ruler, Reza Shah, prohibited women from wearing the hijab, and police were ordered to forcibly remove headscarves from women wearing them.
All Iranian women and tourists are obliged to cover their hair or wear hijab in public areas. Many Iranian women choose to only cover up the top of their head and let a little hair out from the back and front of the head scarf.
The punishment for being seen in public without a headscarf includes arrest, a prison sentence, flogging or a fine – all this for the “crime” of exercising their right to choose what to wear.
The use of the hijab has been on the rise worldwide since the 1970s and is viewed by many Muslims as expressing modesty and faith. There is a consensus among Islamic religious scholars that covering the head is either required or preferred, though some Muslim scholars and activists argue that it is not mandated.
The Iranian constitution guarantees equal protection under the law and enjoyment of all human rights for men and women—in accordance with Islamic principles.
In Iran, public protests against rules forcing women to wear the hijab, the Islamic headscarf, have ended, at least for now. Meanwhile, though, Iranian lawmakers are working on new legislation aimed at toughening the crackdown against women for improper wearing of the hijab.
While the hijab has been compulsory in public for women and girls over the age of 9 since 1981, shortly after the 1979 Islamic Revolution ushered in the clerical establishment, the requirement is often flouted, particularly in urban areas.
While hijab is often seen as a symbol of modesty and religious piety, not all Muslim women interpret Islamic teachings in a way that requires them to wear hijab. Ultimately, the decision to wear hijab is a matter of personal choice, and should be respected regardless of whether a woman chooses to wear it or not.
The Taliban continued this week to roll back Afghan women's rights by decreeing women must be fully covered from head to toe — including their faces — to appear in public. This follows decrees limiting women's ability to work, women's and girls' access to education and even limiting their freedom of movement.
The order rules that a woman's male guardian (wali) should ensure she wears sharia hijab and it is he who will be punished for any violation, with an escalation of response: advice and warning at the first violation, then being summoned to the “relevant department,” then three days imprisonment, and finally, on a ...
Do women have to wear a hijab in Dubai? As women tourists, it is not compulsory or required for women to wear hijab, burqa, or any traditional attire of Dubai. What can women wear in public in Dubai? Women tourists can wear anything they like in Dubai as long as it covers their shoulders and knees.
The Karnataka High Court upheld the ban on hijab by the educational institutes on 15 March 2022. The court ruled that hijab is not an essential religious practice under Islam and, hence, is not protected by the Article 25 of the Constitution setting out the fundamental right to practice one's religion.
In a predominantly Muslim society, as many as 90% of women in Egypt have adopted a form of veiling. A majority of Egyptian women cover at least their hair with the hijab. A hijab refers to a head covering that is worn by Muslim women.
Pork is a food taboo among Jews, Muslims, and some Christian denominations. Swine were prohibited in ancient Syria and Phoenicia, and the pig and its flesh represented a taboo observed, Strabo noted, at Comana in Pontus.
For Muslim women, the hijab serves as an identity that reflects their modesty and strong beliefs or what is called the 'Imaan'.
Welcome to the beautiful world of hijab, and congratulations! As you begin this new journey, take a moment to center yourself and set your intentions. Why are you wearing it? And most importantly, who are you wearing it for?