Semen, or cum, typically has a faint smell caused by a mixture of chemicals, such as citric acid and calcium. It may also smell slightly sweet, as it contains fructose. A strong, fishy odor, might stem from an infection, while a very sweet smell may be a sign of diabetes.
Normally, semen has a very light odor due to a combination of substances such as citric acid and calcium. Semen that has an unusual odor such as being too heavy or fishy can be a sign of a male health problem.
Semen is alkaline and often women find they notice a fishy smell after having sex. This is because the vagina wants to be slightly acidic, but if it's knocked out of balance by the alkaline semen, and it can trigger BV.
The sperm enters the egg in the fallopian tube. It can happen even 3-5 days after ejaculation. There is no way for either of the partners to know if the sperm entered the egg. The only way to know for sure if the sperm did enter the egg is after a positive pregnancy test.
As men get older it is also usual for their semen to become slightly thinner with less volume being produced at ejaculation. It is therefore quite normal if there appear to be clumps of jelly-like globules in your semen and there is nothing to worry about here.
While there is no definite age at which male ejaculation ceases, it has been suggested that it may happen when a man reaches his late 40s or early 50s. It is important to note, however, that this is not a universal rule and some men may continue to ejaculate at a later age.
There is no specific frequency with which a man should ejaculate. There is no solid evidence that failure to ejaculate causes health problems. However, ejaculating frequently can reduce the man's risk of getting prostate cancer. Ejacu-lation can be through having sex or masturbating a few times a day.
Some studies suggest that moderate ejaculation (2–4 times per week) is associated with a lower prostate cancer risk. However, ejaculating more often doesn't mean your cancer risk drops even more.
As men get older, some find they take longer to get an erection, and erections are longer to maintain. Conversely, younger men might ejaculate sooner than they'd like (although that can happen at any age).
Jelly-like sperm. Sometimes the causes of jelly-like sperm is the massive concentration of protein compound of your sperm in your testicular sperm bank. This is normal as long as its colour varies from white to yellowish and no blood or black or green.
It won't affect your sex life
Dr. Masson had no hesitations about identifying the biggest myth surrounding vasectomies. “You will not experience any differences in your sexual function or pleasure. You will still be able to have sex and ejaculate, and everything will feel the same.”
Clear semen typically refers to the pre-ejaculated fluid and white semen is part of the ejaculation. Clear semen may result in case of frequent ejaculation and may indicate low sperm count. White semen indicates less frequent ejaculations and is a thick and cloudy fluid.
… A gamete is a reproductive cell of an animal or plant. In animals, female gametes are called ova or egg cells, and male gametes are called sperm. Ova and sperm are haploid cells, with each cell carrying only one copy of each chromosome.
Unhealthy sperm can look very different from healthy sperm in terms of color, shape, and size. Normal healthy sperm ranges in color from a transparent to a grayish white, while unhealthy sperm can often appear yellow-green or off-white.
A male's body is constantly creating sperm, but sperm regeneration is not immediate. On average, it takes a male around 74 days to produce new sperm from start to finish. Although the average time is 74 days , the actual time frame for an individual to make sperm can vary.
The concentration of sperm is what makes the semen cloudy and thick, so if your ejaculate is watery it is possible that you have a low sperm count. This doesn't mean you're infertile (so precautions to prevent pregnancy still need to be taken for couples that don't want to get pregnant).
“Dopamine and testosterone levels drop, and prolactin [a hormone produced by your pituitary gland] rises.” Elevated prolactin levels post-ejaculation could play a role in your inability to get it up again.
Men typically engage in the most sexual activity when they are in their 20s. Men experience less frequent sexual activity as they age because their sex drive and desire diminish while their sexual issues worsen.
Ultimately, there is no right number of times a man should ejaculate. While frequent ejaculation may offer several health benefits, no evidence proves that never or infrequently ejaculating causes specific health issues.