The most common family name is NGUYEN (阮), with approximately 40% of the Vietnamese population sharing this name. Other common family names include LE (黎), TRAN (陳), PHAM (范), PHAN (潘), HOANG (黃).
In Vietnam, the most popular last name is Nguyen. The estimate for how many people answer to it? Somewhere between 30 and 40 percent of the country's population. The 14 most popular last names in Vietnam account for well over 90 percent of the population.
Along with 5 biggest genealogies, 10 other ones together top the list of 15 biggest families of Vietnam, representing for 90% of the population. These family names are: Phan, Vu/Vo, Dang, Bui, Do, Ho, Ngo, Kim, Duong, Ly.
The Nguyễn dynasty was also the last monarchy of Vietnam. Perhaps that's why the descendants of the Nguyễn family didn't have to change their last name to avoid the chase. So, in the end, the Nguyễn family name dominates the rest of the Vietnamese surnames in popularity.
The name Nam is primarily a male name of Vietnamese origin that means South Or Manly.
The 14 most popular surnames in Vietnam account for well over 90 percent of the population: they're Nguyen, Tran, Le, Pham, Hoang/Huynh, Phan, Vu/Vo, Dang, Bui, Do, Ho, Ngo, Duong, and Ly.
Vietnamese names are generally arranged as follows: [FAMILY NAME] [middle name] [given name]. For example, NGUYEN Van Nam (male) or LE Thi Lam (female). The 'family name' (or 'surname') is inherited from one's parents and shared with other members of the individual's immediate family .
This was the name of a ruling dynasty in Vietnam, and over the years, many families took on Nguyen as a surname, to stay on the right side of the rulers. Around 40 per cent of Vietnamese people now have this surname, which explains why it's so common in Australia, especially in Melbourne, Sydney and Adelaide.
I Have One Of Australia's Most Common Surnames, But No-One Can Pronounce It. Nguyen is second only to Smith in the Melbourne White Pages, and the seventh most common family name in Australia. And yet people still struggle to pronounce it correctly. Nuh-goo-yen.
Nguyễn (sometimes abbreviated as Ng̃) is a surname of East Asian people, which is also the most common surname of Vietnamese people. The Nguyen surname also appears in Korea and China (Chinese: 阮; pinyin: Ruǎn; Vietnamese: Nguyễn) but is less common.
Thái is a last name commonly found in Vietnam among its Chinese community.
Anh, An, Châu, Dương, Giang, Hà, Hải, Khánh, Lan, Liem, Linh, Nhân, Minh, Ninh, Thanh, Tường, Quý, and Xuan are the most common Vietnamese names for both genders.
Nguyen is the most common surname in Vietnam and among the top 100 last names in the United States, Australia, and France. Meaning "musical instrument" and actually rooted in Chinese, Nguyen is an interesting name that you'll encounter throughout the world.
In the 19th century, Vietnam was a territory of the French. The French had a large-scale population investigation during that period and faced a huge challenge which was that many Vietnamese people didn't have a correct last name. So the French decided to give those people the last name, and they chose Nguyen.
Trần (陳) or Tran is a common Vietnamese surname (second most common). More than 10% of all Vietnamese people share this surname.
Anh, An, Châu, Dương, Giang, Hà, Hải, Khánh, Lan, Liem, Linh, Nhân, Minh, Ninh, Thanh, Tường, Quý, and Xuan are the most common Vietnamese names for both genders.
Nguyen should sound like Win not New-yen, and definitely not Neh-goo-yen.
Nguyen is actually the most common surname in Vietnam, belonging to 40 percent of the Vietnamese population; however, it can also be used as a girl's or boy's first name.
Sydney is host to Australia's largest Vietnamese community.
At the end of June 2021, 268,170 Vietnamese-born people were living in Australia, 29.2 per cent more than the number (207,620) at 30 June 2011.
In Brisbane they are concentrated in Darra and Inala. There are also significant Vietnamese Australian communities in Adelaide, Canberra and Perth.
Peak Popularity: Kim is a rare name in the U.S. and has never been in the top 1,000, but it is the 17th most popular name in Vietnam.
Ryan is an English-language given name of Irish origin.
Đào Thị Long Lanh Kim Ánh Dương (sparkling golden sun) has been known as the longest name in the northern province of Thái Nguyên.