Year 0 students are new entrants that start primary school in the second half of the year, and move into Year 1 the following year. Usually, an intermediate school receives children from a contributing primary school for Year 7 and 8.
Years 0 to 8 are the primary years. Children in these years are generally aged 5 to 12 years.
Entry Requirements. Children commence in primary school in NZ the year they turn 5 with students entering either Year 0 or Year 1 depending on their date of birth.
In key stage one, children are usually aged between 5 and 7 years old. The Year 1 age group is 5-6 years old, and the Year 2 age group is 6-7 years old.
Level 1 – usually in Year 11. Level 2 – usually in Year 12.
Most Year 9 to 13 students will be learning between the curriculum levels 4 to 8. Your teenager may be at a different level for different learning areas, for example, they may be working at curriculum level 4 in mathematics and level 5 in technology.
Year 1 (Key Stage 1) = Prep here in Australia
Year 1 students are aged 5 & 6 years old.
In Australia, Year 7 is the first year of secondary school. It is actually the eighth year of schooling (Prep/Foundation, 1 to 6, then Year 7). In Australia, Year 7 students are aged 12–13 years old.
Secondary education is for children in Years 9 to 13, which is usually when they are between 13 and 19 years old. Your child might go to secondary school (sometimes referred to as college or high school) or your child might be at composite school or middle school that goes through to the secondary years.
New Zealand's equivalent
In New Zealand, this level of class is called Standard 3 or Year 5. Children generally start at this level between the ages of nine and ten.
Attendance and truancy rules
Under the Education Act, every child between the ages of six and 16 must attend school, unless they're sick, have suffered a family bereavement, or have some other compelling reason for being away. Generally, a holiday won't cut it.
Years and levels
Year 0 students are new entrants that start primary school in the second half of the year, and move into Year 1 the following year. Usually, an intermediate school receives children from a contributing primary school for Year 7 and 8.
In Australia:
Year 12 is the equivalent of New Zealand Year 13 and NCEA Level 3. each state has its own secondary education system. university entry requirements can be different in each state. each university sets its own admission requirements and criteria.
Australia. In Australia, Year 4 is usually the fifth year of compulsory education. Although there are slight variations between the states, most children in Year 4 are aged between nine and ten.
In Australia, Year 10 is the eleventh year of compulsory education. Although there are slight variations between the states, most children in Year 10 are aged between fifteen and sixteen. Year 10 is the final year of compulsory education in Australia.
In Australia, Year 11 is typically the twelfth year of education. Although there are slight variations between the states, most students in Year 11 are aged between sixteen and seventeen. Queensland year 11 students are the youngest in the country, as they usually enter at age fifteen.
In Australia, Year 3 is usually the fourth year of compulsory education after kindergarten. Although there are slight variations between the states, most children in Year 3 are aged between eight and nine.
Australia. In Australia, Year 6 is usually the seventh year of compulsory education. Although there are slight variations between the states, most children in Year Six are aged between eleven and twelve.
In Australia, Year 5 is usually the sixth year of compulsory education. Although there are slight variations between the states, most children in Year 5 are aged between ten and eleven.
There is only one opportunity each year to achieve an externally assessed standard. If a student fails to achieve externally assessed standards, they may repeat the assessment the following year. Students who were sick at the time of the exams may apply for a derived grade for individual standards.
The education system for schools is made up of 13 Year levels. Your child's primary education starts at Year 1 and goes to Year 8 (around 5–12 years of age). Your child's secondary education goes from Year 9 to Year 13 (around 13–17 years of age).
Study at secondary school begins when students are 12 or 13 years old and lasts for about five years, from Year 9 to Year 13. Secondary school is also known as high school or college.