INFPs ranked as having low dominance according to the CPI™ tool. These individuals are very independent in nature, and value autonomy and personal freedom. They dislike imposing their will on others and believe that everyone has a right to their own individual ethics and beliefs.
INTJs are the most independent of all the Myers Briggs Types, and they're proud of that independence. They're problem solvers who loves a challenge and they can turn theories into actions. They analyse life based on what they see, and are usually busy with their thoughtful contemplations.
The most dominant are ENTJ, ESTP and ESTJ (not in bed though), among introverts INTJ and ISTP, the most submissive INFP, ISFJ, INTP, ISFP (ISFP though prefers to be on top when it comes to sex).
ISTP strengths
ISTPs tend to enjoy learning and perfecting a craft through their patient application of skills. They can remain calm while managing a crisis, quickly deciding what needs to be done to solve the problem.
ISFJ. ISFJ's are quiet, conscientious, and kind. They are responsible in nature and are committed to meeting their obligations. They have a tendency to put the needs of others above their own.
Many of the characteristics of Myers and Briggs' INFJ personality type can also describe a highly sensitive person (HSP).
The ESTP. Probably one of the most flirtatious personality types, ESTPs are not afraid to show their interest in someone with direct and often bold moves. They're excellent at reading body language and they know how to send out the right signals that will make them stand out from the crowd.
Expressive, nurturing, and supportive, ENFJs love hard because it's the only way they know how. If there's one word that accurately captures an ESFJ's relationship strength, it's dedication.
The ESTJ and Dominance
ESTJs ranked as highly dominant according to the CPI™ tool. These decisive, direct individuals are usually skilled at taking the lead and getting a job done.
ISFJs ranked as having low self-acceptance according to the CPI™ tool. This may be largely because ISFJs are known for being cautious and careful, which may come across as self-doubting at times. ISFJs are also very practical and down-to-earth, and thus may not have very lofty, idealized images of themselves.
Statistically speaking, Assertive Virtuosos (ISTP-As), Architects (INTJ-As), and Logisticians (ISTJ-As) are the least likely to seek affection from everyone, while Turbulent Campaigners (ENFP-Ts) and Entertainers (ESFP-Ts) are the most likely.
ISFJ. People who identify with the ISFJ personality type are likely ones you can confide in. ISFJs are devoted and reliable people, and according to Joseph Puglisi, CEO of Dating Iconic, their introverted, sensing, and feeling nature "makes them really good friends and partners."
The ENFP. You'll never give up because you nearly always see alternatives, possibilities, and potential in the world. While other people might feel the walls are closing in on them, you can nearly always find a window of opportunity. In the midst of the unexpected your best ideas and insights often come to light.
Which Types Ranked as the Least Happy? Sadly, INFPs ranked the lowest for happiness as well as the lowest for life-satisfaction. According to the third edition of the MBTI® Manual, these types also ranked second highest in dissatisfaction with their marriages and intimate relationships.
In fact, Adventurers (ISFP) came in as the least likely of all personality types to strive to win, with only 37% agreeing. Why this gap? Feeling types, because they filter everything through their emotions, are sensitive and interested in cooperation, not competition.
#1 Most Sensitive Type: INFJ
INFJs usually exhibit high levels of sensitivity and have a deep affinity for other people's feelings. INFJs have strong emotional connections to both their own feelings and the feelings of others.
Practical and direct, this personality type cuts straight to the point — and the point is almost always the most logical one. While the ISTJ is dependable and reliable, they can also be perceived as reserved and unemotional, which can cause problems in relationships.
ESFPs are also incredibly brave when it comes to being their authentic selves. You're not afraid to let your true personality shine, even if it means standing out from the crowd.
INFP. The winner of the cutest personality type goes to INFPs! With their dreamy eyes, romantic souls, and compassionate personalities, INFPs are the quintessential adorable type. They're affectionate, gentle, and generous with those they love.
ENFJ Romantic Personality
An ENFJ in the Myers-Briggs Personality Types is an Extraverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Judging individual. They tend to be warm and loving. They enjoy helping others. They carry strong values and ideals.
The ISTJ. Reserved and grounded, ISTJs aren't the types to blow up when they get angry except for in very extreme situations. While there are always exceptions (no two people of the same type are every completely alike) ISTJs overwhelmingly agreed that they were more likely to stay calm than lash out.
1. ESFJ. People who fit the ESFJ personality type can usually be recognized by their big hearts and kindly manner. ESFJs are warm and welcoming and their love of tradition means they value good old-fashioned manners highly.
People with the ISTP personality type are often described as hard to read. On the one hand, they are quiet, reserved, and introspective. But when a problem or crisis arises, they spring into action and will often take the lead in troubleshooting to find a quick, effective resolution.