Some people believe that Perceivers (types with a “P” in their type code) are the laziest, because they don't like rigid structures and a highly planned-out lifestyle. Others say that Feelers are laziest, because they “allow their feelings to carry them every which way.” But the truth is much more nuanced than that.
The short answer: INFJ (Introverted-Intuitive-Feeling-Judgment) is the most complex Myers-Briggs Personality Type.
Introverted Feeling (Fi), by contrast, is an intrapersonal function. Whenever possible, it prefers to handle emotional issues inwardly and independently. This is why ISFPs, who use Fi as their dominant function, are among the least talkative of all types.
The ENFP. You'll never give up because you nearly always see alternatives, possibilities, and potential in the world. While other people might feel the walls are closing in on them, you can nearly always find a window of opportunity. In the midst of the unexpected your best ideas and insights often come to light.
Some people might associate a type B personality with the pop culture representation of it that emphasizes so-called negative traits, like laziness and procrastination. That's not accurate, though. In general, type B personalities tend to manage stress well and adapt to change.
Defined as detail orientated, logical and prepared, this careful, resourceful and thinking personality is very good in a situation where everything needs to be analysed before any stands are taken. However, this is one of the more passive personality traits, preferring cooperation over conflict.
Type D personalities are more likely to avoid people, which can lead to loneliness, low confidence, and more emotional problems. With less support from others, events and situations are more likely to get you down.
Those who are extroverted, sensing, feeling, and judging are often identified as one of the kindest types by experts. "ESFJs have extroverted feeling as a dominant cognitive function," Gonzalez-Berrios says. "This makes them rule by their hearts. They are kind, polite, friendly, and sensitive."
Loners are usually very mild-mannered, reserved, and relatively similar to being introverts. Loners can even appear to like others and have social skills, but given the choice, they would prefer to be alone.
Which Types Ranked as the Least Happy? Sadly, INFPs ranked the lowest for happiness as well as the lowest for life-satisfaction. According to the third edition of the MBTI® Manual, these types also ranked second highest in dissatisfaction with their marriages and intimate relationships.
Quiet people are more likely to be introverts than extroverts and tend to be more creative and sensitive than the average person. They also tend to be private people who don't like being in large crowds or socializing much at all unless it's necessary for work or school.
INFP. INFPs have a unique way of living their lives, and they don't appreciate you critiquing it. "They'll feel awkward when someone questions who they love, how they think, or what their goals are—whether that's starting a business, or traveling the world as a wandering nomad," Owens says.
A defensive person can be someone with Narcissistic Personality Disorder. It can also be someone that is a regular victim of emotional abuse that is constantly criticized. A defensive person can also be someone that has low self-esteem or that has a difficult time listening to criticisms about themself.
The study then describes the seven traits that can be used to determine if someone is difficult: callousness, grandiosity, aggressiveness, suspicion, manipulativeness, dominance and risk-taking.
ISFJ is the most common personality type representing 13.8% of the population. this is predominantly dominated by females, with 19.4% of women being ISFJs compared to 8.1% of men. ESFJ is the second most common type for all genders combine and for women.
ESFJ. Those who are extroverted, sensing, feeling, and judging are among some of the most likable people, Sameera Sullivan, matchmaker and relationship expert, tells Best Life. They can be identified by their "warm disposition and big hearts," she says.
So which personality types are happiest? ESTPs and ENFJs have personality traits most conducive to life satisfaction and happiness. Both types enjoy being around people, are optimistic, have a great sense of humor, and are always up for trying new things.
People with an Enneagram Type 1 personality tend to be rational, principled, and judicial in their behavior. They usually have a desire for justice and equality. They are motivated by a strong sense of right and wrong.
According to data provided by the Myers Briggs Foundation , the most common personality type is ISFJ, which stands for Introversion, Sensing, Feeling and Judging. Data from the Foundation indicates that this grouping was the personality type of 13.8% of people tested.
INTP. According to Comen, both INTJs and INTPs are among the smartest, adding that thinking is actually "the primary life goal" for INTPs, as opposed to the key tool. These people are most likely to be engineers and mathematicians, Robledo says.
In addition, being introverted is linked to spontaneously remembering more negative life events. Together, both personality traits — neuroticism and introversion — are linked to depression and anxiety. On the other hand, people with stable emotions who are more extraverted are at lower risk of depression and anxiety.
Research has indicated that individuals with high emotional reactivity (high neuroticism) and introverted tendencies (low extroversion) are more likely to experience anxiety than other personality types [101].
Because people with a Type D personality tend to hide their negative emotions, they may not necessarily feel or act depressed or anxious. People who know them may be surprised to learn that they are struggling.
People with the Feeling (F) trait follow their hearts and emotions – sometimes without even realizing it. They may show it to different degrees and in different ways, but however they do it, Feeling personality types tend to be caring, compassionate, and warm.