Sleeping on your stomach helps to maintain your oxygen saturation levels and helps you with breathing issues during nighttime (also check 10 amazing mattresses for stomach sleepers). Experts say this position can help you reduce your belly fat.
Getting enough sleep and getting this sleep at the right times for your body clock can help you lose belly fat, however. So, if sleeping on your back helps you do this, it may be the best position for you. If not, any position that helps you get enough sleep can help reduce belly fat.
Consume the bulk of your calories, particularly carbohydrates, during daytime hours and less in the early evening. You'll go to bed with less of the hormone insulin in your blood, so your body can metabolize fat for energy while you sleep.
Lying horizontally on your back is considered one of the healthiest ways to sleep for most adults. For this purpose, place your legs in a straight position or elevate them slightly. This sleeping method helps in weight loss as it puts your body in a difficulty transforming the food content into fat content.
And even just one hour of sleep makes a difference when it comes to belly fat. Research suggests those who sleep for six hours a night have more fat stored in their abdominal area than those who sleep for seven hours a night.
In another study, researchers found that decreasing bedroom ventilation resulted in poorer sleep quality. Sleeping naked both reduces body temperature and increases ventilation. Both of these factors can improve sleep, which may promote weight loss.
Specifically, sleeping on the side or back is considered more beneficial than sleeping on the stomach. In either of these sleep positions, it's easier to keep your spine supported and balanced, which relieves pressure on the spine and enables your muscles to relax and recover.
Contrary to what you may have heard, your breasts, or any other part of you, will not flatten out or deflate. If you have your period, then sleeping on your stomach might worsen breast soreness because of extra pressure on the breasts, which are more sensitive at that time.
Sleeping without a pillow may help some people who sleep on their front. It can help keep the spine and the neck in alignment during sleep, easing neck and back pain. It is not a good idea for everyone, though. People who sleep on their back or side might find that sleeping without a pillow causes neck or back pain.
No matter how your body moves when you sleep, your neck should maintain a neutral position, with your shoulders just below the pillow.
Women who share a bed tend to sleep on the left side for safety and security. They also are more likely to sleep closer to the radiator.
As a result, losing belly fat often takes hard work, especially if you're in your 40s or older. That's because your hormones and your belly fat affect each other, and as your hormone levels change during middle age, fat around your midsection tends to accumulate faster than it does in other areas.
“Belly fat is associated with inflammation, so eating too many processed foods will hinder your ability to lose belly fat.” Natural foods like fruits, vegetables and whole grains are full of antioxidants, which have anti-inflammatory properties and may therefore actually prevent belly fat, Patton says.
Because visceral fat is located so close to a critical body vein in your abdomen, it carries fatty acids to your liver. Once these acids are in your liver, they can contribute to the increase of blood lipids or fats.
*Wearing socks in bed increases blood flow to the feet and heat loss through the skin, which helps lower core body temperature. As a result, a person can fall asleep faster. *Wearing socks to bed improves blood flow to your feet. *It improves cracked heels.