Food. Food is a fantastic subject matter for artwork: It's universal, recognizable, appealing and, best of all, it will stay still if you want it to pose for you. ...
It's never too late to learn how to draw. This advice can be found everywhere in books, online videos, and trumpeted by teachers at all levels. But people who want to become industry pros often have a related question.
By 2½ years, your child will start to draw people that resemble a tadpole/amoeba - with arms and/or legs attached directly to the face. The face may not have any features. By 3 years, your child will add features e.g. eyes and mouth. It is not until after the age of 4 that your child may start to draw a separate body.
Some people believe that you need to be born with talent in order to be a good artist, but this is not true. Anyone can learn to draw or paint with enough practice. Some of the most famous artists in history were not born with talent, but they practiced regularly and became great artists.
This is probably the most common reason why people struggle with drawing. They simply need more practice to get better. Drawing is a skill and like with any other skill, you can't expect to get better without practicing it.
The motivation to draw requires self-discipline and a routine. Give your day a work structure, get up at the same time, start work at the same time, give yourself small goals, and follow through. Take mini-breaks, finish at the same, and give yourself a treat. Repeat, and make it a habit.
It's possible to see improvements by drawing only 1-2 hours per day. But if you want to see significant improvements you should be aiming for 5-6 hours per day, or more if possible. Starting anywhere is better than never starting.
General rule is that male is easier to draw than a female in humans. The reason is a man has a rougher skin which is a bit easier to render than a smooth skin which a woman has.
Both mediums have their own set of challenges and both are difficult to master. It's harder to paint realistically than it is to draw realistically because you need to know how to draw before you can apply the paint.
Many animals are a bit more forgiving to draw than humans are because our psychology picks up on more errors in a drawing of a human than of anything else.
“It usually begins some time during adolescence, but we see that the crisis is occurring in progressively younger children," says Professor Ingeborg Stana. "Some children stop drawing when they are around the age of nine or ten.”
There are plenty of excellent artists that have been drawing properly for less than 5 years. And you can also see how far people have been able to progress even in 3 years.
Your work will get better in time. Anyone at any age can learn to draw, but even we admit that picking up a new skill can be a daunting task. Sometimes it's comforting to have a helping hand throughout the process, so consider signing up for beginner's drawing class to get you started.