Papa, the most common nickname in 36 states, took the top spot. Southerners are more likely to use Papaw or Pawpaw and those in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland, and Delaware tend to go for Pop or Pop Pop. Other favorites include Abuelo or Abuelito, Gramps, Grampy, Poppy, and Grandad.
In writing, Grandfather and Grandmother are most common, but very rare as a form of address. In speech, Grandpa and Grandma are commonly used in the United States, Canada, and Australia.
Let's start with the most used nicknames for Grandma. Nana is the most common nickname for a Grandma in thirty-two states. But if someone doesn't call their grandmother Nana, odds are they do call her Grammy or Gram, as these are relatively popular alternatives to Grandma, as well.
Another popular subset of unique names are those that are derived from the (most often) grandmother's first name. So Gabby McCree is Gigi. “It's an abbreviation for 'Grandma Gabby' and also my initials growing up,” she says.
Generally, at around age 10 into their teen years, some kids start drifting away from their grandparents. While some of these factors are beyond our control, others are not.
You can call her by cute names such as Big mom, Peaches, Lolly, or go for hippie names Hopie or Mumssy. Fairy mother, Granny Pie, or Yo Grandma can be other fun ways to address your sweet and caring grandma.
Children in France may call their grandmothers Gra-mere, Mémé, and Mamé. Quebec: Mémé and Mamie are most often used by French Canadians.
Ireland (Gaelic)
While maimeó anddaideó are the words used to address a grandmother or grandfather, there are a few different words for grandparents in Irish. For example, there are máthair chríona, which translates to “wise mother,” and athair críonna which translates to “wise father.”
Now, a new survey of 2000 British adults from mobile phone design company emporia Telecom has found the answer. For British grandmothers the top five names in order of popularity at a national level are Nan (33%), Grandma (32%), Nana (24%), Nanny (22%) and Granny (14%). Only one-in-ten use the term Gran.
The parents, the grandparents, or your child (once they're old enough to talk) can choose the grandma names and grandpa names.
G-Ma. Pronounced "gee-ma," this nickname is simply a shorthand version of "grandma."
Being adaptable, teachable, respectful, and supportive can lay the groundwork for being the kind of grandparent your kids and grandkids can trust. Don't beat yourself up if you realize that you've made some grandparenting mistakes. Parents and grandparents aren't perfect, and everyone has room to grow.
The study also found that a healthy grandparent-grandkid relationship helps prevent social isolation, which can lead to depression and sometimes even an earlier death. So by spending more time with grandma or grandpa, you're actually helping to keep them sharp, healthy, happy, and maybe even extending their life.
According to her research, grandparents who live at a long distance tend to travel less often to visit and they stay longer, but the average number of visits that long-distance grandparents make each year is two to four times for trips lasting 5 to 10 days each.
Kris Jenner's grandchildren call her "lovey." Goldie Hawn said the term "grandma" made her feel old, so she decided to go by "glam-ma." Gwyneth Paltrow's children, Apple and Moses, refer to their grandmother — Blythe Danner — by "lalo."
Grandma and Grandpa are terms of endearment that are used to refer to grandparents. In Italian, the terms for grandma and grandpa are: Grandma: Nonna. Grandpa: Nonno.
Grandmother Names
Gaga: Often stemming from a very young child trying to sound out “Grandma,” it's got the hard 'G' opener but a lighter and more carefree feeling than the proper name. Gigi: Like Gaga, this cute grandma nickname is fun and easy to pronounce for the littles.
The average age of grandparents in the U.S. was 67 years. Grandparenthood is more common among older adults (aged 65 and older) than those in midlife (aged 40-64). In 2021, the percentage of older adults who were grandparents (71%) was more than 2.5 times greater than the percentage among those in midlife (33%).
A Romanian Gypsy wife has become the world's youngest grandmother at the age of just 23. Rifca Stanescu gave birth to Maria at the tender age of 12. She urged her daughter not to follow her example, but two years ago, aged just 11, Maria gave birth to a son.
What is 'Fancy Grandma' style? The antithesis of the Coastal Grandmother trend and its put-together penchant for neutrals, the Fancy Grandma is less 'Diane Keaton' in Something's Gotta Give and more 'Yetta' from The Nanny (with a good dose of The Golden Girls).