Nihilus consumed planets on several occasions, caring only to appease his hunger, allowing the dark side to consume him more and more each time he indulged his ever-intensifying hunger. Alongside his hunger, his power also grew dramatically, until he eventually surpassed his Master.
The three surrounding planets of Primus Goluud—5000 BBY—Destroyed when Naga Sadow used Sith magic to create a supernova. Cron Cluster planets, including Urkupp—3996 BBY—Destroyed when Aleema Keto caused the Cron Supernova through Sith magic.
Formerly a mortal man, Galactus is a cosmic entity who consumes planets to sustain his life force, and serves a functional role in the upkeep of the primary Marvel continuity. Galactus was created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby and first appeared in Fantastic Four #48 (March 1966).
An ancient homeworld of the Sith Order, the planet was abandoned after repeated devastation following multiple wars. The red-sands planet is home to the Valley of the Dark Lords, a corridor of ancient monuments that serve as crypts for the Dark Lords of millennia past.
Darth Nihilus was one of the few survivors of the use of the weapon Mass Shadow Generator used on Malachor V to destroy the Mandalorian forces. Activation of the weapon destroyed most life on the planet, and also left the planet in ruins.
The mask of Darth Nihilus, or Mask of Nihilus, was one of the pieces of armor that Sith Lord Darth Nihilus had bound to himself using the Force in an effort to retain a semblance of a physical form.
Nihilus dies at the hands of Meetra Surik. During combat, Darth Nihilus fought in an aggressive, one-handed style. He had learned some of the greatest of the Sith teachings, but such practices took the form of dependence.
As the first Dark Lord of the Sith, Ajunta Pall founded the first Sith Empire and expanded it onto other worlds. The Sith took over the planet Ziost and created it as their capital and as Pall's new home. Pall eventually died after serving the Empire for many decades, but his Empire lived on.
Undermined by constant infighting and ruined by the last war against the Jedi, the Sith were rendered all but extinct with the exception of one; Darth Bane survived the ancient order's destruction and passed his knowledge to a single apprentice, Darth Zannah, before being entombed on Korriban, which became known as ...
In the Sith Empire, as time progressed pure-blooded Sith were steadily bred out, resulting in only a few pure-blooded Sith left in the Sith Empire by the time of the Great Hyperspace War (5000 BBY). By 44 ABY, the true Sith species in the Empire were believed to have gone extinct due to the interbreeding process.
For a planet that was once thought to resemble Earth, to one that was thought to be completely dissimilar, the tables have turned again. Thanks to Venus Express, Taylor now describes Venus as “Earth's twin, but separated at birth.”
Nihilus' voice
Extracting the audio file or recording it and then playing it backwards reveals that he does indeed talk.
1. Darth Sidious (Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace) Truly, the most powerful Sith Lord was Darth Sidious, better known in his public persona of Chancellor (later Emperor) Palpatine. Through cunning and manipulation, Sidious killed his master to claim the mantle of Dark Lord of the Sith.
With the destruction of Hosnian Prime, the capital planet of the Republic, came the destruction of the Galactic Senate and the Home Fleet of the New Republic Defense Fleet.
The Duel on Mustafar was a lightsaber duel where Anakin Skywalker, now the recently apprenticed Sith Lord, Darth Vader, fought his former Jedi Master and best friend, Obi-Wan Kenobi, on the planet Mustafar in the Outer Rim.
Palpatine tells Anakin of the legend of Darth Plagueis, a Sith Lord who was said to be so powerful he could both create life and prevent people from dying.
George Lucas himself has stated that Anakin is the Chosen One and that the prophecy is true, although it had been misinterpreted by the entire Jedi Order.
The average lifespan for a Sith, without any assistance from medical technology, is around 250 years. Taking into account that Force sensitive beings have extended lifespans, most Sith can reach up to 400 years.
Outcome. The Duel on Darth Revan's Flagship was a confrontation during the Jedi Civil War between the Dark Lord of the Sith Revan, and Sith apprentice Darth Malak. It took place in Revan's flagship. The lightsaber duel resulted in Malak's defeat and the loss of his jaw.
The Last Jedi took the stance that Rey's parents were nobody, and while this may have been true from a certain point of view, The Rise of Skywalker gave us the true answer to Rey's parentage. In the film, we learned that Rey was a Palpatine, and her father was a clone of the infamous Sith Lord.
Darth Shain, headmaster of the Korriban Temple, took notice and convened with the Dark Councilor and Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Shane McMahon, who decided to confer the title of Sith Lord to the young apprentice at the age of 11, making him the youngest Sith Lord in the history of the Sith.
So, in a battle of tactics we'll give this one to Revan. A dogfight between the two would go a little differently. While Revan seems like a competent pilot, Vader's greatest skill was is ability to fly and he's demonstrated that time and time again against overwhelming odds. So, we'd give this arena easily to Vader.
Darth Nihilus was a Human male who reigned as a Dark Lord of the Sith during the era of strife following the Jedi Civil War. Before becoming the Dark Lord, he lost everything during the Galactic Republic's war against the Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders.
Affiliation. Darth Nihilus' lightsaber was the personal lightsaber of the Sith Lord Darth Nihilus during the First Jedi Purge. It was destroyed onboard the Ravager following Nihilus' confrontation with Meetra Surik.