Salt is one of the most absorbent natural products available, helping to combat moisture around the home. Using salt is the most basic method when trying to make a homemade dehumidifier.
Cat litter pellets are designed to absorb pet excretions, so they will also absorb moisture from the air. Place a couple of handfuls into an old pair of socks before tying the top of the sock. Place the sock on windowsills around the home and leave them to absorb any excess moisture.
Rock salt is another great (and cheap) option for removing moisture from the air. To make a no frills rock salt dehumidifier, you're going to need rock salt and two buckets. Pop some holes in the first bucket and place it inside your second bucket. Next, fill the top bucket with salt and voila!
Baking soda can de-humidify high-moisture rooms
You can use baking soda to naturally dehumidify a room that has high-moisture levels. Simply fill a small bowl with baking soda and place it on the window sill. Over time you will notice the baking soda will harden as it absorbs the moisture.
Opening the windows would only be allowing humid air into the room. You should also keep the windows closed when there is cold weather or if it is raining but the exception to this is if you are having a hot shower or cooking then your windows should be open.
To vent rooms in your home is one of the simplest and most effective actions you can do to get rid of condensation permanently. No matter the season, remember to vent the rooms at least twice a day, 10-15 minutes each.
Simply raising the temperature in your rooms while leaving windows slightly ajar will allow heat to circulate. Which may tackle your condensation problem, while also ensuring you stay warm as you try to sleep.
One of the main contributing causes of condensation comes from drying clothes indoors. Sometimes in the colder months, this is unavoidable, but when possible, clothes should be dried outdoors or in a drier to prevent excess moisture from forming on the walls.
If solving your moisture problem is something you'd like to do inexpensively, rock salt may be your answer. Because rock salt is hygroscopic it absorbs moisture from the air. If your plan is to get rid of the humidity in a damp basement, start with a 50-pound bag of sodium chloride to make your rock salt dehumidifier.
Baking soda is a great alternative to store-bought products, though less effective than rock salt. It does well for smaller spaces like closed cabinets and cupboards. This kind of setup does require occasional stirring once the baking soda begins to absorb moisture from the room.
"While DampRid is nowhere near as rapid or effective as a good dehumidifier, it almost works the same as a poor-performing dehumidifier," says Chris.
To remove the condensation quickly and cheaply wipe down the surface of the window with the squeegee. When all of the moisture is in one area, wipe it over with an old towel to remove it." While you can't eliminate moisture in your home completely, this hack is an easy way to remove condensation manually each morning.
This simple and cheap hack has helped many households reduce the amount on condensation forming around their windows.
'Salt has adsorption properties, which means that it can bind to moisture and prevent it from developing condensation.
To stop condensation forming on the walls in your bedroom, kitchen, or bathroom, you should: Open your windows to allow air to circulate more freely. Open the trickle vents on your windows at night and keep bedroom doors open.
If you wake up and find condensation on your bedroom windows, a great way to clear away the condensation is by mixing a home-made solution. Simply mix two cups of water and two cups of white vinegar, then add a couple of drops of washing up liquid.
If you're eager to see outside first thing in the morning, however, you can apply a windshield water repellent like Rain X to prevent condensation from forming on the exterior of your windows. Water repellent works by encouraging droplets to gather and run off the surface.
Vinegar doesn't stop condensation from forming. You can, however, use it to clean the condensation that has already accumulated on your windows. Mix two cups of water with two cups of white vinegar and add a few drops of dish-washing liquid.
Ventilating the home by opening the windows for even just 20 minutes a day can drastically reduce the effects of condensation and dampness in homes. Keeping windows open during activities that cause a lot of moisture in the home such as cooking, showering, and drying clothes can also help minimise condensation.
In the medium to long term, condensation may cause mould and peel off the paint on the edges of your windows. The cures for condensation are heating (to keep surfaces above dew point temperature) and ventilation (to expel the warm, moisture-laden air to the outside).
“Fresh air isn't the enemy. Open your windows,” says Dr Appelles Econs, an allergy specialist at the Burghwood Clinic. Keeping your windows shut all day will allow chemicals and allergens to build up inside. Even if you live in a polluted city, you are going to have to open the windows from time to time.
The most surefire way to reduce indoor humidity is to get a dehumidifier. Dehumidifiers fit right inside your furnace air handler, and removes moisture from the air as it passes through. When that air reaches you, it's dry and cool – just the way we like to be in the summer.
Spider plant
Spider plants thrive in humid environments, and do a great job at absorbing both moisture and pollutants from the air.