Golf. The world's businessmen and other wealthy elite tend to gravitate towards the county club for a round of golf on the weekends. Known as “the gentleman's sport,” golf is one of the sports for rich people that they use to expand their circles and conduct business deals.
But in terms of net worth, again, only three athletes have made it to the billionaires club. They are LeBron James, Michael Jordan and Tiger Woods. Exclusive company.
Research has demonstrated that, on average, 'upper-class' people are more likely to visit museums and attend live theater, 'middle-class' people are more likely to go camping and fishing, and 'lower-class' people are more likely to attend monster truck rallies and attend wrestling events (e.g. WWE).
A significant percentage of self-made millionaires do 30 minutes or more of aerobic exercise every day, like running, jogging, walking, or biking. Approximately 88% of self-made millionaires spend 30 minutes or more a day reading. What kinds of books do they read? Biographies, self-help books, and history books.
Why golf fans are happier than any other sports fans, according to a new survey. Golf fans are the happiest of any sports fans, according to one new study.
Basketball is currently the highest-paid sport in the world. Not only do the best players in the league earn millions per year in their salary, but they make large amounts of money from various sponsorships and endorsements as well. In 2021, NBA basketball players earned an average of $7.7 million per year.
The millionaires, on the other hand, spent most of their free time actively. 22% of their free time was spent moving around, playing sports, pursuing hobbies, or doing volunteer work. For all the others, just under 16% of their free time was spent actively.
High net worth individuals put money into different classifications of financial and real assets, including stocks, mutual funds, retirement accounts and real estate. Most of the 20.27 million millionaires in the U.S. did not inherit their money; only about 20% inherited their money.
Children of billionaires have privileges that many will never know. Some spend their parents' money on college tuition and hobbies. Others spend their fortunes a little more lavishly — think world travels, yacht vacations, and designer clothes.