RIDDLE! What starts with a P, ends with an E, and has thousands of letters? #riddle #funny #best
36 related questions found
What are 4 words that start with P?
What are Four Letter Words that Start with P? The Four Letter Words that Start with P are peak, poke, pest, pain, pant, pour, pond, poem, pond, pray, prey, park, pass, path, pale, pack, peer, pear, pony, pair. etc.
What begins with P ends with E and has 1 000 letters?
Me, I think it is the post office because, the words “post office” start with the letter “p”, and end with the letter “e”, but the actual post office contains thousands of “letters” (letters that people write and mail to one another). ANSWER: A post office!
Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is the longest word to be recognized by major english speaking dictionaries. Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is apparently the longest word in the English language. …
What starts with P and ends with E but has a million letters in between?
It's answer is POST OFFICE. The word Post office starts with the letter P. It ends with the letter E and the post office has millions of letters. Which word starts with S and ends with E?