Clean the spill area with paper towel to remove most of the spill. Disinfectants cannot work properly if the surface has blood or other bodily fluids on it. Cloth towels should not be used unless they are to be thrown out.
Wipe up the spill as much as possible with paper towel or other absorbent material. Gently pour bleach solution – 1 part bleach to 9 parts water – onto all contaminated areas. Let bleach solution remain on contaminated area for 20 minutes and then wipe up remaining bleach solution.
Use paper towels to soak-up or remove any large amounts of blood or OPIM.
Wipe up the blood or vomit using paper towels or other absorbent material. Put the trash in a plastic garbage bag. Gently pour the bleach solution onto the contaminated surface(s). Leave the bleach solution on the contaminated surface(s) for 20 minutes.
When cleaning up blood, use cloth towels instead of paper towels. If you've followed all of the procedures for properly cleaning up blood or bodily fluids, it's not necessary to report the incident. Wearing disposable gloves while cleaning up blood is an example of a universal precaution.
Gently place absorbent material (i.e., paper towels) over the spill. If using a powdered absorbent, allow it to fully absorb and use a paper towel to compress the absorbent to ensure no liquid remains. Cover with appropriate disinfectant (i.e., freshly prepared 10% bleach).
A study in The American Journal of Infection Control shows that paper towels can actually pick up bacteria during the manufacturing process. The findings also concluded that the bleaching process for recycled paper does not significantly reduce the concentration of bacteria.
Procedure for Spills on Hard, non-porous surfaces: Cleanup and decontamination is a 3 step process requiring proper personal protection equipment, removal of gross filth (visible material), followed by disinfection of surface.
The individual(s) cleaning the blood spill need to use the proper personal protective equipment (PPE), (e.g. water impervious gloves, outerwear, goggles, etc.) Spray the blood contaminated surfaces with a 1-10 solution of bleach and water.
Absorb the spill using paper towels. Remove paper towels and discard into clinical waste bag. Disinfect area using prepared Haz Tab 1,000 ppm/Peracide • Discard the mop into clinical waste bag. Clean the area with neutral detergent and water.
To get blood out of towels, you'll need a solution of hot water and dishwashing liquid. The solution should be made in the sink or tub and then rinsed out with cool water. Once you've done that, hang the towel outdoors in direct sunlight to dry it completely before washing it again with detergent and hot water.
Hypochlorites effectively kill bacteria, fungi, and viruses. Hospitals can use these products for bathrooms, food prep zones, and blood spills. All areas must be pre-cleaned to remove organic matter before disinfection.
Wash on the usual cycle in cold water. Do not use hot water, as this will set the stain. Always check the instructions on the garment's care label.
Hydrogen peroxide
This works only on fresh blood stains. Apply 3 percent hydrogen peroxide directly to the stain, rinse with fresh water, and launder as usual.
When splashes, sprays, splatters, or droplets of blood or OPIM pose a hazard to the eyes, nose or mouth, then masks in conjunction with eye protection (such as goggles or glasses with solid side shields) or chin-length face shields must be worn.
Gloves. The most obvious example of PPE that most patients will notice are gloves worn by a Phlebotomist. Gloves are clean and nonsterile and must be worn at all times when collecting or handling blood and other body fluids, handling contaminated items and touching nonintact skin or mucous membranes.
A key piece of PPE for working with BBVs is gloves, which play an important role, especially where there is risk of injury from puncture wounds from contaminated sharps.
The first step when cleaning up a blood spill is to put on the proper safety equipment, including disposable gloves, goggles, boots, and a lab coat. Cover the spill with absorbent towels and spray enough commercial-grade disinfectant so that it soaks through the towels. Wait 10 minutes for the disinfectant to settle.
Managing blood spills
Put on single-use gloves and avoid direct contact with blood or other body fluids. Use paper towels to mop up the spill. Dispose of the paper towels in an appropriate biohazard container. Wash the area with warm water and detergent, then rinse and dry the area.
Cloth towels come out on top of paper towels in terms of cleanliness and overall cost. When it comes to managing your expenses and having a positive impact on the environment, paper towels are almost never the way to go.
After a full day, there could be 4,096 bacteria on your washcloth. That might be freaky to read—but it doesn't automatically mean anything bad for your health.
A wash cloth that is left wet after use can accumulate millions of bacteria and harbor mould in a matter of minutes. This is mainly due to the damp, hot environment they live in after they're used. “Bacteria multiply remarkably fast and usually within 20-30 minutes.
Mizu towels are made of self cleaning silver fibers that prevent 99.9% of bacteria from sticking. The color of the stripes even change when it's dirty so you know when it's time to wash it.