Starting this protocol around 36/37 weeks is what research suggests. Studies support that the earlier you start eating the dates the better, the results were higher in the people who started eating them around 36/37 weeks. You can eat the date plain or mixed in with something.
Another study showed that pregnant women who ate 6 dates a day for 4 weeks before their due date had a shorter first stage of labor and their cervix was softer before delivery. Eating dates in late pregnancy has also been shown to lessen the need for oxytocin, the medication used to start or speed up labor.
Studies have shown that eating six dates a day in those 4 weeks before your estimated due date can result in easier labor, a shorter first phase of labor, more intact membranes at birth as well as more spontaneous labor without the need for medical intervention or induction.
Therefore, date fruit consumption in last weeks of pregnancy can cause labor induction and stimulation, because date fruit acts on prostaglandin receptors, causes early stimulation of uterine contractions, and improves response to syntocinon if it is necessary [41].
Most of the research has suggested women consume 60-80 grams of dates each day starting at 36 weeks. I decided to start at 37 weeks to be safe and consumed 3-4 medjool dates each day, which ranged from 60-90 grams.
Dates are not only healthy, but they are also safe to eat during pregnancy. There is no reason to believe that dates have a negative effect during the first, second or third trimester of pregnancy.
This study was of people eating 6 dates per day, for 4 weeks before their estimated due date. “The women who consumed date fruit had significantly higher cervical dilatation upon admission compared with the non-date fruit consumers- 3.5 cm vs 2cm.
When do you lose your mucus plug? Most people don't lose their mucus plug until after 37 weeks of pregnancy. In some cases, losing the mucus plug happens days or weeks before your baby's due date. Some people don't lose it until they're in labor.
In addition to being a tasty and high in fibre which can be much needed in pregnancy) - Dates can also help your body prepare for labor. Mmm yes please! A study was undertaken which included pregnant women eating 6 dates per day for 4 weeks before their estimated due date, compared to pregnant women who ate no dates.
Do not eat fish high in mercury such as swordfish, tilefish, king mackerel, and shark. Manage heartburn by eating 4 or 5 small meals each day instead of large meals. Avoid spicy food. Manage swelling by lying down and putting your feet up.
Organic medjool dates are a perfect food for pregnant women for many surprising reasons that we are going to dig into in this article. Medjool dates are considered a fresh fruit and grown on palm trees. Sometimes confused to be dried fruit or prunes, they are naturally sweet and have a caramel-like flavor.
Sesame seeds also tend to excite uterine muscles thereby causing contractions which may lead to abortion. So it would be an intelligent step to avoid intake of these. Other dry fruits like raisins, dates, almonds, walnuts, pistachios are safe to consume in a moderate amount.
Symptoms not to ignore when you're 36 weeks pregnant
You have a persistent headache or visual disturbance. If your feet/ankles/hands or face are unusually swollen. You experience vaginal bleeding. You have an unusual coloured discharge.
Some women begin dilating at 36 weeks and go to 41 weeks before they finally go into labor at 7 centimeters. Some women are checked with a routine cervical exam and found to be just "a finger tip dilated," then go into full blown, active labor 24 hours later.
The women who consumed date fruit had significantly higher mean cervical dilatation upon admission compared with the non-date fruit consumers (3.52 cm vs 2.02 cm, p < 0.0005), and a significantly higher proportion of intact membranes (83% vs 60%, p = 0.007).
Cervical ripening is the initial process to help your cervix dilate and efface (thin out). It is done to improve the likelihood of success of your induction. It is not uncommon for the cervical ripening to take up to 24-36 hours!! It is also not uncommon to use different techniques to ripen the cervix.
This is because grapes contain resveratrol, a toxic compound that could cause poisoning or other pregnancy complications. Like pineapple, however, when eaten in moderation, grapes typically prove to be a low risk food.