The disease we now know as brucellosis was first discovered in the 1850s in Malta. It came to the attention of British medical officers serving on the island after the Crimean War. It was easy to eliminate the disease in British servicemen, but very difficult to reach Maltese citizens.
Brucellosis is an infectious disease caused by bacteria. People can get the disease when they are in contact with infected animals or animal products contaminated with the bacteria. Animals that are most commonly infected include sheep, cattle, goats, pigs, and dogs, among others.
During this period, several British physicians provided vivid descriptions of illness in garrisoned troops and physician David Bruce was dispatched to investigate; he isolated the causative organism from four fatal cases in 1887 and named it Micrococcus melitensis.
In cattle, brucellosis is called Bang's disease, after Bernhard Lauritz Frederik Bang, a Danish veterinarian, who discovered B. abortus as the cause of contagious abortion in cattle in 1887. In cows the organism causes disintegration of the placenta, leading to late-term abortion.
It is not found in Australia but occurs in many overseas countries, particularly in the Mediterranean, Middle East, Central Asia and Central America. Brucella abortus usually infects cattle. Bovine brucellosis (brucellosis in cattle) has been eradicated from all states of Australia, including NSW, since 1989.
Surveillance and reporting. Brucellosis is a nationally notifiable disease. We monitor cases through the National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System. For more on brucellosis in Australia, you can search Communicable Diseases Intelligence .
Consumption of raw milk containing Brucella can cause brucellosis. Most cases of brucellosis associated with raw milk are caused by a strain called Brucella melitensis or Brucella abortus in people who traveled to countries where these strains are common and drank contaminated cow, sheep or goat milk.
Human cases of brucellosis are uncommon, with only 100 to 200 cases a year reported in the U.S. Although brucellosis can make you very sick, it is rarely fatal.
Overall, three (9.38%) patients had known risk factors for tuberculosis, while six (18.75%) had risk factors for brucellosis. Conclusions: There is a clear overlap between brucellosis and tuberculosis both in terms of clinical presentation and laboratory parameters.
The disease we now know as brucellosis was first discovered in the 1850s in Malta. It came to the attention of British medical officers serving on the island after the Crimean War.
Brucellosis is an infectious disease caused by Brucella species. It is known by many other names, including remitting fever, undulant fever, Mediterranean fever, Maltese fever, Gibraltar fever, Crimean fever, goat fever, and Bang disease.
Brucellosis is found globally and is a reportable disease in most countries. It affects people of all ages and both sexes. In the general population, most cases are caused by the consumption of raw milk or its derivatives such as fresh cheese. Most of these cases are from sheep and goat products.
Eating undercooked meat or consuming unpasteurized/raw dairy products. The most common way to be infected is by eating or drinking unpasteurized/raw dairy products. When sheep, goats, cows, or camels are infected, their milk becomes contaminated with the bacteria.
Brucellosis affects males and females in equal numbers. The disorder is rare in the United States since pasteurization of milk is routine and cattle are vaccinated against this disease. Fewer than 100 new cases are reported each year in the United States.
Brucellosis can spread from dogs to people through contact with an infected dog's birthing fluids and vaginal discharge while birthing puppies. This is why dog breeders and veterinarians are at higher risk.
Of the 4 Brucella species known to cause disease in humans (B abortus, B melitensis, B canis, B suis), B melitensis is thought to be the most virulent and causes the most severe and acute cases of brucellosis; it is also the most prevalent worldwide.
Although vaccination of individuals living in brucellosis endemic areas, veterinarians, livestock, and laboratory personnel is essential, human vaccines have not yet been developed (9). Live-attenuated vaccines are the most effective vaccines used to control animal brucellosis (10).
Disinfectants with bleach, at least 70 percent ethanol, iodine/alcohol solutions, glutaraldehyde or formaldehyde will effectively kill the bacteria.
The symptoms usually improve and are completely gone within about two to six months. However, the prognosis is poor in people who develop organ changes or complications such as heart damage, neurological, or genitourinary problems caused by chronic Brucella infection.
For simple infections, doxycycline (100 mg PO twice daily for 6 weeks) may be the most appropriate monotherapy; however, relapse rates with such monotherapy approach 40% and as a result, rifampin (600-900 mg/day) is usually added.
Although brucellosis can be found worldwide, it is more common in countries that do not have effective public health and domestic animal health programs. Areas currently listed as high risk are: the Mediterranean Basin (Portugal, Spain, Southern France, Italy, Greece, Turkey, North Africa)
temperature of 160°F as measured with a food thermometer.
Occupational groups at high risk of brucellosis include butchers, livestock farmers/breeders, milkers, veterinarians, inseminators, laboratory workers as well as individuals associated with packing and selling dairy products and raw meat (6, 10, 11, 15, 19).