Traditionally, white bread was recommended for people with kidney disease because it has less potassium and phosphorus.
White bread is typically recommended over whole wheat bread on a renal diet due to its lower phosphorus and potassium levels. All bread contains sodium, so it's best to compare food labels and choose a lower sodium variety.
Sourdough contains a variety of vitamins and nutrients, making it super beneficial to your day-to-day health. Sourdough bread has small to moderate amounts of: iron, manganese, calcium, B1-B6, B12, folate, zinc, potassium, thiamin, niacin, riboflavin, selenium, iron, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus, and vitamin E.
Most breads and cereals are good choices as they are low in potassium.
Foods low in potassium include most refined fats and oils, grains like cornmeal, white rice, and pasta, cheeses like soft goat cheese, and blueberries, eggs, leeks, Napa cabbage, and chia seeds. Boiling vegetables in water and discarding the water can help reduce their potassium and electrolyte content.
Sourdough bread is quite tasty, but isn't necessarily good for kidney disease. “Sourdough” refers to the process of making the bread, not the nutritional value.
Loading up on pasta and rice may not be something many diet books recommend, but both are pretty low on potassium. They contain between 30 and 50 mg per half-cup.
Most meats add some potassium to your meals. Chicken breast has the most per 3-ounce serving with 332 milligrams, but beef and turkey breast contain 315 and 212 milligrams, respectively.
I recommend whole grain, whole wheat or multigrain bread for people with kidney disease. Be careful to check the sodium in whatever bread you buy. Bread is a surprising source of salt! Historically, white bread was recommended because it has less phosphorus in it.
If you want to reduce your salt intake, try having Salt 'n' Shake crisps (without adding the salt sachet). Better sweet snacks include: • jelly sweets • fruit gums • marshmallows • Turkish delight • mints • doughnuts • shortbread • ginger biscuits • rich tea biscuits • digestive biscuits.
Water pills (diuretics) help rid your body of extra potassium. They work by making your kidney create more urine. Potassium is normally removed through urine. Potassium binders often come in the form of a powder.
Red meat. Some types of protein may be harder for the kidneys, or the body in general, to process. These include red meat.
Low potassium (best choice)
Cereals that are free from bran, dried fruit, nuts and chocolates such as: Weetabix®
If your doctor has recommended a low-potassium diet, you can probably still enjoy oatmeal a few times per week. If, however, you need to limit phosphorus as well due to kidney issues, you may need to limit or avoid oatmeal, opting instead for cream of wheat or grits when you have a hankering for hot cereal.
Thankfully, many Chinese cuisine items are low in potassium and full of healthy veggies. However, it's important to limit or avoid soups, soy sauce, MSG and other high-sodium ingredients.
Sourdough bread is an excellent source of: Calcium. Potassium. Magnesium.
Examples of low potassium desserts include sugar cookies, graham crackers, cheesecake, angel food, spice, or lemon cake. High potassium desserts include dark chocolate and some fruit desserts, like sweet potato pie.