Middle Eastern countries and Indonesia have some of the world's lowest per-capita dog rates, in part due to Islamic traditions that cast dogs as unclean. Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Indonesia all have fewer than two dogs for every 1,000 people--the lowest per capita ownership rates of 53 countries surveyed by Euromonitor.
The countries that ranked the lowest for companion animals: Azerbaijan. Iran. Belarus.
Saudi Arabia's religious police have gone as far as completely ban pets in several cities, calling it a “bad Western influence.” Although trends of dog ownership, in general, are very slowly changing in the country, there is still not wide acceptance of dogs as part of the family.
Arkansas is the biggest dog-lover state out there, with 48% of the population owning a dog. Massachusetts has the lowest percentage of dog owners in the US, at only 24%.
In Islamic culture, dogs are perceived as 'ritually impure'. Apparently, the Prophet Muhammad once said that dogs may only be kept for acceptable reasons, such as farming, hunting or herding. In these instances though, the dog should be kept outside the home.
Australia is a wonderful country for pets; it has many pet-friendly public spaces as well as a plethora of pet-friendly activities to enjoy with your furry friend. However, the country has strict biosecurity regulations that protect the local flora and fauna from exotic and introduced diseases.
Australia has a ban on aggressive dog breeds that were specifically bred for fighting. Importing these breeds to Australia is not permitted by law. This ban is in place to safeguard the public and other animals.
These dogs are sometimes rounded up and sold as meat in Vietnam and China. It is estimated that there are about 8.5 million dogs in Thailand, of which about 730,000 are abandoned by their owners. Bangkok alone is estimated to have from 100,000 to 300,000 street dogs. Few have been vaccinated against canine diseases.
Nonetheless, certain dog breeds perceived as potentially dangerous by the Chinese authorities are forbidden in Shanghai, including the Bulldog, Bull Terrier, and Mastiff.
China does not ban the import of any dog breeds, but there are breed restrictions in Shanghai, Chengdu and Beijing.
The majority of both Sunni and Shi'a Muslim jurists consider dogs ritually unclean. It is uncommon for practicing Muslims to keep dogs as pets.
At 62%, Australia continues to have one of the highest household rates of pet ownership in the world with around 5.7 million of Australia's 9.2 million households having a pet. Dogs remain the most popular type of pet with almost two in five households (3.6 million) owning a dog.
World Animal Protection's Animal Protection Index (API) focuses on legislation that has been passed to recognize animal sentience and to prohibit animal suffering, as well as other legal safeguards. At the top of their list are the United Kingdom, Sweden, Denmark, the Netherlands, Austria, and Switzerland.
Pit Bull
Out of all the dog breeds most commonly found in shelters, it's the Pit Bull that wins by a landslide.
Among the most dog-loving nations are South Korea (9 pet dogs per cat), and the Philippines (7.2 pet dogs per cat). On the other hand, in Indonesia, Switzerland, Austria, and Turkey there are three or four times as many pet cats as dogs.
Dogs have a major religious significance among the Hindus in Nepal and some parts of India. The dogs are worshipped as a part of a five-day Tihar festival that falls roughly in November every year.
Each year, on the second day of the five-day Diwali celebrations in Nepal, the country celebrates Kukur Tihar or "day of the dogs" by worshipping man's four-legged friend. Pooches of all kinds—strays and pets—are showered with flowers, adorned with garlands and tilak or gulal.
A sample of these prohibited mammals include: foxes • squirrels • ferrets/polecats/stoats • rabbits • hamsters • monkeys/marmosets • gerbils • weasels • dingoes. deer (farmed species as long as these deer are kept within a deer-proof enclosure). All other exotic mammals are prohibited.
Dogs are an important part of most Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities; however, the importance and role of dogs vary between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Dogs provided protection, warmth and companionship, minded children and were hunters.