Which are the most sleep-deprived countries? According to a survey by Sleep Cycle, an app that tracks sleep hours, the top three sleep-deprived countries are South Korea and Saudi Arabia getting just under 6.5 hours per night on average and the sleepiest country Japan clocking in a few winks above 6.25 hours.
According to their data, people in the Netherlands are getting the most rest per night, while folks in Singapore and Japan are getting the least.
New Delhi: Singapore is the most sleep-deprived country in the world with a “fatigue score” of 7.20 out of 10, according to a study conducted by UK bedding-manufacturing company Sleepseeker.
According to a survey conducted in 2021, people in Japan slept on average 471 minutes per night, equaling about seven hours and 51 minutes. The average sleeping time on weekdays was slightly lower.
According to the Chinese Sleep Research Report 2022, the average sleep time of Chinese decreased from 8.5 hours in 2012 to 7.06 hours in 2021, a reduction of 1.5 hours. Only 35 percent Chinese can get eight hours of sleep.
ON AVERAGE, ITALIANS SLEEP 7 HOURS PER NIGHT – The research reveals that Italians sleep, on average, 7 hours per night, but 30% of respondents sleep an insufficient number of hours.
How Much Does The Average Australian Sleep? Well, 57% of Aussies claim they get between 6-8 hours of sleep each night. But this seems to be dependent on a number of factors - age, relationship status, whether you have children, your children's age, and so on.
While early risers like Costa Rica and Colombia typically wake up before 7 AM, other average wake up time by country data reveals that some countries sleep in, including Greece and Saudi Arabia, which don't normally wake until nearly 8:30 AM.
the top three things that brighten up mornings for Australians are: a good breakfast (50%); good weather (49%); and being on time (31%);
According to their internal body clock, most older adults need to go to sleep around 7 p.m. or 8 p.m. and wake up at 3 a.m. or 4 a.m. Many people fight their natural inclination to sleep and choose to go to bed several hours later instead.
The recommended amount of sleep for a healthy adult is at least seven hours. Most people don't need more than eight hours in bed to be well rested. Go to bed and get up at the same time every day, including weekends. Being consistent reinforces your body's sleep-wake cycle.
But no other group of people takes their naps quite as seriously as those living in Spain. The siesta - which means "a midday or afternoon rest or nap" - has become a big part of Spanish culture. Many businesses in Barcelona and other parts of the country still shut down every day so that siestas can take place.
Einstein Slept Only 3 Hours a Year.
Among the most rested countries surveyed by Sleep Cycle, an app that tracks how much shuteye people are getting, New Zealand comes top with the average Kiwi clocking up in excess of 7.5 hours per night. Finland, the Netherlands, Australia, the UK and Belgium all rank highly for sleep, too, with Ireland close behind.
1. Finland: Finland came out on top as the least stressful country to retire in, being particularly beneficial for outdoors lovers.
Most of us (58%) have difficulty falling asleep or tend to wake up too frequently, while 21% of Aussies just simply don't get enough sleep… they just need more time in the day! Our 2022 Australian Sleep Awareness Week Survey has also revealed that up to 14% of Australians have consistently very poor sleep.
Not the lazy country: Australians among the world's earliest risers... but among the first to have an early night. Australians are among the world's earliest risers, with nearly half of all Aussies getting out of bed before 7am, according to a new study.
According to Optimum Sleep the average adult should get between seven and eight hours sleep a night. But while the data shows that while two in three (68%) achieve this, one in three (32%) Australians do not.
The findings show that Japanese men and women sleep an average of six hours and 35 minutes each night, which is about 45 precious snoozing minutes less than the study average. Compared to Finland, which was found to have the most hours of sleep per night, Japan basically lost nearly an hour every night.
Over 20,000 people participated in the survey of which only 6% reported to getting 8 to 10 hours of sleep, while 38% respondents get 6 to 8 hours of sleep. On an average, 1 in 2 Indians are getting less than 6 hours of uninterrupted sleep each night; 1 in 4 Indians are sleeping less than 4 hours a day.
They found that French people spend close to nine hours sleeping each night, which was slightly higher than the hours Americans were found to sleep. The question is whether you really need nine hours of sleep every night.