Foods that lower prolactin levels are generally high in zinc; think shellfish, beef, turkey and beans. It's also important to get plenty of B6, so foods like potatoes, bananas, wild salmon, chicken and spinach can help boost those vitamin levels.
Avoid consuming sugary drinks, processed foods, and foods that are high in sugar. Also, make sure to consume enough protein and fibre in your diet. This will help to keep your blood sugar stable and help to reduce prolactin levels.
Reduce stress with yoga, meditation, and long slow walks. Consider taking vitamin B6, which lowers prolactin levels by increasing the neurotransmitter dopamine. Consider taking the herbal medicine Vitex agnus-castus (chaste tree or chaste berry), which lowers prolactin.
Dopamine restrains prolactin production, so the more dopamine there is, the less prolactin is released. Prolactin itself enhances the secretion of dopamine, so this creates a negative feedback loop.
Vitamin B6
Dopamine naturally reduces the prolactin levels in the body. It also helps to reduce prolactin production. You can consume vitamin B6-rich foods like bananas, dates, figs, raisins, jackfruit, milk, sweet potato, eggs, and avocado.
Prolactin levels decrease as lactation is established but nursing stimulates prolactin release from the pituitary which promotes continued milk production. Prolactin is secreted into milk at levels representative of the average circulating concentration.
If high prolactin levels are because of a medicine, these levels will usually return to normal 3 to 4 days after the drug is stopped.
Studies have shown that eating certain types of dark chocolates may help increase milk production due to their rich antioxidant content, which helps stimulate prolactin production (the hormone responsible for lactation).
Exercise effects on prolactin
Circulating prolactin levels increase in the blood during exercise, with the magnitude of the increase approximately proportional to the intensity of the physical activity.
Honey caused significant increase in the plasma levels of progesterone and prolactin at the end of treatment and after treatment rest as compared with control group.
In addition, curcumin also induced apoptosis in both GH3 and MMQ cells. Furthermore, curcumin suppresses intracellular levels and release of both prolactin and GH.
Abnormal elevations in prolactin can occur when prolactin-producing cells inside the pituitary, called lactotrophs, produce more of the hormone than required, or when lactotrophs grow abnormally to form tumors. Elevated prolactin levels can also occur as a side effect of certain psychiatric medications.
Too much prolactin reduces the production of the hormones estrogen and testosterone. Too much prolactin also can prevent the release of an egg during the menstrual cycle (anovulation) in females. In males, too much prolactin also can lead to decreased sperm production. Bone loss (osteoporosis).
Prolactin levels are normally high for pregnant women and new mothers. Levels are normally low for nonpregnant women and for men. If prolactin levels are higher than normal, it often means there is a type of tumor of the pituitary gland, known as a prolactinoma. This tumor makes the gland produce too much prolactin.
There is some evidence that functional hyperprolactinemia may be due to stress-induced neuroendocrine changes of dopamine and serotonin, thus affecting prolactin release [35]. REM sleep rebound, a behavioral coping mechanism to stress, has been found to be mediated by prolactin [36].
After administration of a single dose of caffeinated coffee, a decrease in prolactin levels was observed over time, both in men and in women.
Hi, you can take zn rich diet it helps to reduce prolactin. Take legumes, chicken, green leafy vegetables like spinach, sea fishes ,egg yolk, brown rice ,peas, seasame seeds, garlic,peanuts, mushrooms. Consult doctor for medicines.
Zinc-treated patients had significantly higher plasma zinc levels (134 +/- 10 micrograms/dl v 88 +/- 2 micrograms/dl) and lower serum prolactin levels (11 +/- 4 ng/ml v 29 +/- 7 ng/ml) than untreated patients.
For most people, treatment can eliminate or improve: Problems caused by increased prolactin levels, such as irregular menstrual periods, infertility and loss of interest in sexual activity. Signs or symptoms from tumor pressure, such as headaches or vision problems.
Vitamin B6 is an effective prolactin inhibitor that is extremely cheap and exerts hypothalamic dopaminergic effect which causes a significant reduction in prolactin level.
Production of prolactin is controlled by two main hormones: dopamine and estrogen. These hormones send a message to the pituitary gland primarily indicating whether to begin or cease the production of prolactin. Dopamine restrains the production of prolactin, while estrogen increases it.