Skywalker lightsaber. Anakin Skywalker carried this blue-bladed Jedi weapon throughout the Clone Wars. After dueling his former apprentice on Mustafar, Obi-Wan Kenobi took Anakin's lightsaber and kept it on Tatooine for nearly two decades.
The Skywalker lightsaber, also known at various times as Anakin's, Luke's, and Rey's lightsaber, was a blue-bladed Jedi lightsaber constructed by Anakin Skywalker—Jedi Knight and prophesied Chosen One of the Force—during the final years of the Republic Era.
As a Padawan, Anakin Skywalker went through the traditional process of traveling to the Jedi world of Ilum to seek out a kyber crystal and construct his very own lightsaber. However, Anakin actually had two lightsabers during his Jedi career, with his second becoming far more important with a very complex legacy.
Carried by Anakin Skywalker (22–19 BBY) Anakin Skywalker wielded a blue-colored lightsaber during his career as a Jedi Knight.
This blue-bladed lightsaber was Anakin Skywalker's first lightsaber—the hilt of which the thirteen-year-old Jedi Padawan assembled in an entranced state (from pieces he'd built earlier) during his Initiate's Gathering trial in the Crystal Caves of Ilum in 29 BBY—was the first lightsaber created by Anakin Skywalker, ...
At the end of Star Wars: Episode IX – The Rise of Skywalker, we see that Rey has finally constructed her own lightsaber, having reached the end of a long journey and completed training with both Lukeand Leia.
The weapon had a kyber crystal at its heart, and emitted a yellow-colored plasma blade when ignited. The emitter matrix on Rey's weapon featured a rotating gear-like mechanism, which caused the emitter of the lightsaber to open up and allow the plasma blade through.
He gave it to Luke Skywalker, who lost it when Darth Vader struck off his son's hand in Cloud City. The lightsaber then became part of Maz Kanata's collection of Jedi curios, where it called to the scavenger Rey. She wielded it in defeating Kylo Ren, then brought it to Ahch-To and offered it back to Luke.
This can be seen in the novel It's because of his mastery of sorsue (sorry for my bad spelling.) Well if you want the ACTUAL reason it because in the original 3 films the Green Light Sabre didn't exist until after Obi Wans death.
Luke lost his dad's blue saber in Cloud City. He built a green one for himself. Somehow Max Kanata managed to recover his dad's blue light saber before the events of The Force Awakens. This is the blue saber Rey took.
The General and Obi-Wan dueled, and despite wielding four lightsabers at once, Grievous was dismembered and once again tried to flee. Obi-Wan gave chase, and the two eventually fought in a knock-down drag-out fist fight.
Apparently, George Lucas made the lightsaber green because it looked better against the blue-sky background. But it was more than just another lightsaber. Constructing it represented Luke's status as a Jedi, and even Darth Vader recognized the accomplishment.
While he is not Force-sensitive, Grievous has been trained in all forms of lightsaber combat by Count Dooku. Each of his mechanical arms can separate in half, allowing him to wield four lightsabers at once to overwhelm his enemies.
His first had a blue plasma blade and a hilt similar to that of his master, Qui-Gon Jinn. Obi-Wan used this weapon until Darth Maul kicked it into a deep shaft on Naboo. He then constructed a new, blue-bladed lightsaber with a similar design.
In Attack of the Clones, Anakin was still a Padawan to Obi-Wan Kenobi. Although he went on missions and made his own choices, Anakin had much to learn and paid dearly for his youthful ignorance. However, when he was seen again in Revenge of the Sith, Anakin was no longer a Padawan but a full-fledged Jedi Knight.
Somehow, the lightsaber ended up in the hands of Maz Kanata and her collection of items. The lightsaber called to Rey, who used it to defeat Kylo Ren in battle. She offered it to Luke Skywalker when she finally met him but he threw it behind him.
The main reason for the change was that during the filming of Return of the Jedi, the crew realized that the blue saber did not look right during the battle with Jabba the Hutt. When shot in daylight, the blue would blend with the color of the sky, so George Lucas and his crew decided to make the change.
Without a doubt, the most notable Jedi with a purple saber is Mace Windu, portrayed in the prequel trilogy by Samuel L. Jackson. Audiences first got a glimpse of the unusual blade in Episode II: Attack of the Clones, making Windu the coolest Jedi in one cinematic moment.
Yoda's lightsaber was one of the personal lightsabers of Yoda, the last Grand Master of the Jedi High Council. In keeping with its owner's stature, the green-bladed weapon had a shorter hilt and shorter blade, making it a shoto.
In The Last Jedi, during Rey and Kylo Ren's confrontation in Snoke's throne room, Luke's original lightsaber was split in half, and as shown later on in the movie, the crystal had been divided too, but in The Rise of Skywalker, which takes place one year after the previous movie, Rey is shown to have rebuilt it.
Lightsaber Colors Used to Matter
A brief who's who of users with blue lightsabers includes Obi-Wan Kenobi, Luke Skywalker, Anakin Skywalker (Hayden Christensen, pre-youngling slayer), Shaak Ti, and Count Dooku (Christopher Lee, pre-dark side/ass handed to him by Yoda).
As Kylo Ren, Ben briefly used Anakin's lightsaber to kill a Praetorian Guard, but after returning to the good side, Ben was given the weapon once again by Rey.
The lightsaber's redesign was a byproduct of the bleeding process that damaged its kyber crystal, rendering it dangerously flawed and unstable, and necessitating the lateral vents were meant to prevent the cracked kyber crystal from overloading.
Description. Leia Organa wielded a blue-color lightsaber during her year of training. Leia Organa's lightsaber was a blue-bladed lightsaber powered by a kyber crystal in the core of the hilt.
Following Palpatine's final defeat and her own resurrection, Rey adopts the name Rey Skywalker to honor her mentors and their family legacy and renounce her lineage. As the last remaining Jedi, she makes it her mission to rebuild the Jedi Order.