“Despite their strong pro-family values, evangelical Christians have higher than average divorce rates — in fact, being more likely to be divorced than Americans who claim no religion,” says the report, compiled by Baylor for the Council on Contemporary Families.
Protestant. The Pew Research Center found Protestant individuals (anyone who identified themselves as non-Catholic, but Christian) included 74% of all Christians, and had a divorce rate of approximately 51 percent out of a sampling of 4,752 individuals.
Among the six major religious communities in India, Jain and Sikh women have the lowest separation or divorce rates at 6.3 per 1,000 ever married women.
In Buddhism, there is no “religious” marriage and, therefore, there is no “religious” divorce.
That being said, there is still a slightly lower overall divorce rate amongst Christian couples when compared to the public at large, indicating that religious belief can still play a role in marital stability.
Among Catholics who have ever been married, roughly one-third (34%) have experienced a divorce.
Most recently, research conducted at Harvard's School of Public Health reveals that regularly attending church services together reduces a couple's risk of divorce by a remarkable 47 percent. Many studies, they report, have similar results ranging from 30 to 50 percent reduction in divorce risk.
The Catechism says, “Divorce is a grave offense against the natural law. It claims to break the contract, to which the spouses freely consented, to live with each other till death. Divorce does injury to the covenant of salvation, of which sacramental marriage is the sign.
The LDS Church discourages divorce largely on account of its theology of the family. Early church leaders taught that God himself lives in a family and with a wife.
Riba, or interest, is banned in Islamic finance, although it is possible for an entity to sell something at a profit markup.
Men Are More Likely to Remarry
This data indicates that men are consistently more likely to attempt a second marriage than women. Over the past decade, there has been a decline in remarriage rates for both men and women. These new numbers show that remarriage has declined for both genders.
Black adults have the highest divorce rate and the lowest marriage rate. But according to research, they also marry at later ages: 32 for men and 31 for women. Black women are the only group among other races with a number of divorces higher than the marriage rate.
Currently there are 5.42% child brides in India, most of them from the Hindu religion (5.56%).
The main reason Christian marriages end in divorce is due to the inability to forgive. When disappointments occur, a couple has to be ready to deal with the issues and choose to forgive.
Muslim supporters of polygamy often cite Quran verse 4:3, which instructs men to take as many wives as they can take care of, up to four, and they also point out that the Prophet Muhammad had multiple wives.
Buddhism. Buddhism has no religious concept of marriage (see Buddhist view of marriage). In Buddhism, marriage is a secular affair, subject to local customs.
For most of Jewish history, one law has held supreme for divorce: only the man can declare a marriage over. While they've developed workarounds, both Conservative and Orthodox Judaism still accept this principle.
Every nation in the world allows its residents to divorce under some conditions except the Philippines (though Muslims in the Philippines have the right to divorce) and the Vatican City, an ecclesiastical sovereign city-state, which has no procedure for divorce.
The Catholic Church's opposition to contraception includes a prohibition on condoms. It believes that chastity should be the primary means of preventing the transmission of AIDS.
What is the Catholic Church's view of divorce? The Catholic Church does not formally recognize divorce. In the eyes of the church, the Sacrament of Marriage is a lifelong bond. Divorce, therefore, is considered a “grave offense” against the natural order.
The Catholic Church teaches that marriages are unbreakable unions, and thus remarrying after a divorce (without an annulment) is a sin.
According to various studies, the 4 most common causes of divorce are lack of commitment, infidelity or extramarital affairs, too much conflict and arguing, and lack of physical intimacy. The least common reasons are lack of shared interests and incompatibility between partners.
Divorce is not something that is forbidden in Islam. Under the Quran, a husband can leave his wife for up to four months in a trial separation. Once that four-month period has elapsed, the husband and wife are to reunite to continue their marriage or obtain a divorce.
Narrowing down to specific religions; evangelical Protestants have a 28% likelihood of divorce compared to Catholic's at 19%. Those of the Mormon, Jehovah's Witness, Jewish, Muslim, Hindu and Buddhist faith boast of a divorce rate of only 1%.