Sev was the deadliest and most savage of Republic Commando's Delta Squad and was the team's ultimate weapon of destruction until the moment he fell on Kashyyyk. All kinds of foes fell to his wrath, from Super Battle Droids to A-DSD Advanced Dwarf Spider Droids and MagnaGuards.
Perhaps the deadliest clones in the Republic army, the Alpha-Class ARC Troopers were perhaps the deadliest clones in the Republic army. They were trained personally by Jango Fett, and lacked the mental modifications other clone troopers had received.
Captain Rex is by far the best clone in all of Star Wars. He started serving as Anakin Skywalker's second command and leading the 501st Legion. With the help of Ahsoka Tano, he was able to avoid committing Order 66 by being stunned and having his inhibitor chip removed.
CT-6969 when he was assigned commander of the 69th Battalion. One of the only clones to rival the immense power of Sixes. CT-6969 abandoned his Jedi General, deeming his original General "too cocky" after the General dove into a battle, full of confidence, only to be rescued singlehandedly by CT-6969.
ARC-0001 (formally CT-0001) was created years ago in 32 BBY with the rest of the clones on the watery planet of Kamino, he is a fully trained arc (advanced recon commando) trooper, and he is the leader of 223rd Strike Force, his nickname is Commander Unos.
CT-6666, nicknamed "Sixes," was a clone Trooper who served during the Clone Wars.
CT-1111 was a clone trooper assigned to Theta Squad during the Clone Wars. He was given the nickname "Ones" due to the fact that his number was all ones. He was killed during a battle against the Separatists.
CT-1337, nicknamed "Cool Whip", was a clone of the Mandalorian bounty hunter Jango Fett who served as a sergeant and heavy trooper in the Grand Army of the Galactic Republic during the Clone Wars.
Captain Rex is the most beloved and memorable clone in the entire franchise, making appearances across several Star Wars TV series, notably The Clone Wars and Rebels.
After the battle, Alpha-17, an ARC Captain, began an ARC training program, where he trained Rex, Cody, Odd Ball, Appo, Bacara, Neyo, Gree, Bly and many more. Rex and Cody bonded while training, becoming great friends.
The 501st Battalion is probably the most famous clone division. Their Jedi Generals were Anakin Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano™, and their lead clone was CT-7567, AKA Rex. Other important members included Fives, Hevy, and Echo.
Master Yoda has risen above all others to claim the top spot as the most powerful Jedi of all time and the true chosen one according to IGN's audience. He won pretty handily as well, as he was victorious in 89,756 of his 95,243 battles and had a win percentage of 94.2%.
Kix was alive sometime 30 years after the Battle of Endor. The trooper was awoken by a crew of Pirates, known as the Meson Martinet. It would be revealed that Kix was kidnapped by the Separatists.
When people think of clone troopers, Captain Rex often comes to mind first. He often served alongside Anakin Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano. He was often on the front line in battle and though he was loyal to the Jedi commanders, the men under his command came first. He was a first class leader and teacher.
A prime clone was the designation of an organic subject—the original host—whose genetic code provided the basis for single or multiple clones. The first step in the process of cloning was the extraction of cells from the prime clone.
99, would you please send a cleaning crew to the training ground." 99 at work carrying weapons. 99 was the victim of an imperfect cloning attempt, leaving him with severe genetic and physical defects included limited mobility and overly rapid aging.
CT-8508 was a clone trooper who served in the Imperial Army shortly after the Clone Wars. He was deployed to the planet Bracca with a contingent of Stormtroopers under the command of Clone Commando Crosshair to hunt down the renegade clones of Clone Force 99.
History. Also known as CT-1409, Echo was a member of Domino Squad on Kamino before graduating and joining the fight against the Separatists. He survived a Separatist attack on the Rishi Moon listening post, was decorated for bravery, and inducted into the 501st Legion.
CT-5597, nicknamed "Jesse," was an Advanced Recon Commando and Clone Lieutenant who served in the 501st Legion during the Clone Wars.
When a desperate Fives, believing that no one would listen to the information he had learned about the inhibitor chips, drew his weapon on Fox, he was killed by him, dying in Rex's arms.
The 91st's commanding clone officer was Clone Commander CC-8826 "Neyo," who was placed in command following his promotion earlier in the Clone Wars. Clone Commander CT-411 "Ponds" also served in the 91st.
CT-2222/1919, nicknamed Steel, was a clone trooper sergeant who served in the Galactic Republic's Grand Army which he fought in the Clone Wars. He received Order 66 which commanded him and all of the other clones to execute their Jedi generals and Jedi commanders.
Jedi Bob is the name given by LEGO fans to an unnamed Jedi Knight minifigure that appeared in 7163 Republic Gunship from 2002, alongside four clone troopers, two super battle droids, and a droideka. He wields a green lightsaber and sports a grey tunic with a brown Jedi cloak.
Second in command of the 212th Attack Battalion, CT-2224 “Cody” served as one of the many clone soldiers in the Grand Army of the Republic.