Ikrit was a male Kushiban from the world of Kushibah who was trained as a Jedi by
Yarael Poof | StarWars.com.
Vern is a newly-minted Jedi Knight. Vernestra, Mirialan, was Padawan to Stellan Gios. She works hard and is devoted to the Jedi Order, more so than most others her age. At sixteen she is one of the youngest Knights in a generation.
Yarael Poof was a male Quermian who stood 2.64 meters tall (8 ft., 8 in.) and had pasty white skin and red eyes. Like other members of his species, Poof possessed a long neck, two sets of arms, and two brains—one in his head and the other in his chest. The Jedi Master's long neck and four arms made him recognizable.
The first Dark Jedi was believed to be Xendor, who was the first member of the Jedi Order to fall. Other forerunners included Ajunta Pall and others who, after the Hundred-Year Darkness, were exiled from Galactic Republic space and became the ancient progenitors of the Sith Lords.
Yoda. Yoda was a wise, experienced, and powerful Grand Master of the Jedi of an unknown species and the oldest known prophet in existence (having lived at least 900 years), considered the wisest and most powerful Jedi Master within the Star Wars universe.
Yoda claims to have been training Jedi for 800 years. The second time Yoda mentions his long life is in Return of the Jedi, when he tells Luke, “When you reach 900 years old, you will not look as good as you will.” If we take Yoda at his word, that means the Jedi Master died at the ripe old age of 900.
Darth Shain, headmaster of the Korriban Temple, took notice and convened with the Dark Councilor and Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Shane McMahon, who decided to confer the title of Sith Lord to the young apprentice at the age of 11, making him the youngest Sith Lord in the history of the Sith.
There was no fixed age when this happened. Padawans could even be adults, but for a Human, it usually occurred in the Padawan's early to mid-twenties. One such Jedi Padawan who successfully passed their trials was Selusda Kraren, shortly before Operation: Knightfall.
Oppo Rancisis was born on the rocky temperate world of Thisspias to royal parents and was the heir to the Thisspiasian Blood Monarchy. Although he was of royal heritage, Rancisis joined the Jedi Order at a young age and became the Padawan learner of Jedi Master Yaddle.
Tallest: Christopher Lee (Count Dooku) - 6'5
A Sith also known by the name of Darth Tyranus, Dooku was originally trained by Yoda and had a key role in The Clone Wars.
In the films, Jabba is a powerful crime lord on the planet Tatooine, who is of the Hutt species. He is obese and often exemplifies his characterizations of lust and greed by having slave alien girls in his throne room.
The Prime Jedi was also the founder of the Jedi Order. The Prime Jedi established the Order on the planet Ahch-To, around 25,025 BBY. The first Jedi Temple, which was located on Ahch-To, contained a mosaic of the Prime Jedi in a state of meditation and balance.
#1 – Yoda. Yoda is widely considered to be the greatest Jedi of all time, and with good reason. He is a master of the Force, a skilled warrior, and has an unmatched wisdom that comes from centuries of experience. He is the embodiment of what it means to be a Jedi, and his legacy lives on long after his death.
With an athletic build, an exotic beauty, and blue skin, Aayla Secura stood out among the many faces of the Jedi ranks. A cunning warrior and Jedi Knight during the rise of the Clone Wars, Aayla fought alongside Clone Commander Bly on many exotic battlefields.
According to Star Wars Legends content, the first Sith was a former Jedi Master, Ajunta Pall, who became a so-called Dark Jedi, or “Fallen” Jedi. As the name implies, these Force-sensitives chose to practice the Dark Side, and rejected the Light Side of the Force.
Anakin Skywalker is the son of Shmi Skywalker, born without a father through the Force. He is the secret husband of Padmé Amidala, the father of Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa, the father-in-law of Han Solo, and the maternal grandfather of Ben Solo.
DARTH SION : THE IMMORTAL SITH LORD WHO MASTERED PAIN AND DEATH Star Wars Theory. DARK SIDE FRIDAY - Darth Sion is definitely one of the most powerful Sith Lords. Sion's deep pain and rage channeled the Dark Side allowing him to cheat death.
Even though he perished in battle, Qui-Gon Jinn's consciousness continued. He had found the secret to immortality through the Force. However, unlike the Sith, who wish to live and hold their power for eternity, immortality through the Force is different.
By the end of The Rise of Skywalker, Rey had become the last known Jedi of the Skywalker Saga.
Darth Sidious was able to cheat his upcoming death by transferring his spirit into a clone body while falling into the reactor core of the second Death Star. He later sought to prolong his existence by futilely manipulating his grandchild Rey into killing him so he could live further by possessing her body.
Wookiees have a lifespan of several hundred years: Chewbacca is 200 years old during the original trilogy and is still in his prime.
Later, Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker revealed that her grandfather was actually Emperor Palpatine (Ian McDiarmid). It was also revealed that Palpatine was alive, and went up against Rey at the end of the film.
Yoda lived to be 900 years old, so most Star Wars fans would assume that he was the galaxy's oldest character, and even characters like Maz Kanata are only slightly older by comparison.