On the other hand, Sun Breathing can, presently, only be performed by Tanjiro Kamado. Though its techniques can be taught to others provided they have the guidance of a Kamado, there are no other known users who are currently alive.
Tanjiro doesn't know anything about this sun breathing thing. His family members have been charcoal sellers for as long as he can remember, with the history records to prove it. We don't know how Tanjiro's family received the earrings, though we know his father wore them, and Tanjiro inherited them.
Taught to him by Sakonji during his training in the mountains, it is one of the five main styles derived from Sun Breathing.
The last user is Tanjiro Kamado, who learned the Breathing Style from his father, Tanjuro Kamado. Other people can learn this technique if taught by a Kamado descendant.
Even 400 years later, Muzan's fear of Yoriichi remained fully intact, as simply laying eyes on Tanjiro's hanafuda earrings caused him to recall their clash.
Only the Kamado family wields the Sun Breathing; that's why Tanjiro remembers his father performing Hinokami Kagura. As mentioned in the latest episode, Sun Breathing was the first breathing style, and all other breathing techniques are derived from it.
The Thirteenth Form of the Sun Breathing Style is unique in the sense that it doesn't really have a name of its own. Rather, it's a combination of all the twelve forms present in this style, used in succession to maximize their power. This move was devised by Tanjiro solely to defeat Muzan.
Tanjiro Kamado is the only (known) living user of the Hinokami Kagura, but unlike the Water-Breathing he learned from former Hashira Sakonji Urokodaki, Tanjiro learned Sun-Breathing from his and Nezuko's late father, Tanjuro Kamado.
Kokushibo is reserved, silent, and aloof, maintaining an aura of unnerving tranquility and mystery that compliments his position as Upper Rank One.
Yoriichi was both the creator of Sun Breathing and a legendary swordsman from the Sengoku period. As a Demon Slayer, he is renowned as the strongest in the organization's history, pairing his breathing technique with his Demon Slayer Mark and ability to see the Transparent World.
What yogis refer to as Moon Breath or Chandra Bhedana involves breathing in through your left nostril only. The left side of your body is thought to be associated with the nervous system, and so Chandra Bhedana has been traditionally used to calm it down and promote sleep.
The black blade represents the Sun and is surrounded by prejudice and misconceptions, as historically every demon slayer who held it lived a short life. This could mean that Tanjirou is destined to break the pattern and set a new legend for black Nichirin blades in the Demon Slayer universe.
Initially, Tanjiro's accuracy and strength were not up to the mark, which is why Muzan was able to avoid his attacks. However, Tanjiro accurately performed the thirteenth form and inflicted a ton of damage on the Demon King.
It is possible for a swordsman to use more than one Breathing Style technique at a time, allowing the user to take advantage of the advantageous aspects of both techniques. Tanjiro Kamado, for example, can use both the Water Breathing and Sun Breathing styles simultaneously.
In the far chapters of the Demon Slayer manga, Tanjiro is actually turned into a demon by Muzan Kibutsuji. Muzan does this to continue his demon legacy and live in this world even after being dead. He chooses Tanjiro over everyone else as he considers him the perfect one to carry on his legacy.
When it comes to pure strength, Shinobu Kocho is the weakest Hashira in Demon Slayer. She doesn't even have enough strength to decapitate a demon's head and she makes up for it by injecting poison into the demons.
Black. Toho Co., Ltd. Black is the most mysterious color of all the blades, and is held by the main character, Tanjiro. It is a rare blade and represents the sun; it also holds a theory that the demon slayers who own this sword are not to live a long life.
When Haganezuka sees Tanjiro's reddish hair, he becomes hopeful that he will get to see a bright red Nichirin sword. However, once Tanjiro unsheathes his weapon, the blade turns a dark black, to the concern of Urokodaki and the anger of Haganezuka.
When Tanjiro first got his Nichirin Sword on Demon Slayer, and it changed color to match the personality of its user like all Nichirin weapons do, many fans were surprised that Tanjiro's katana turned black.
The Sun Breathing, the prime swordsmanship technique, is more powerful and dominant.
Six out of the nine forms of Flame Breathing have been used in the anime during the Mugen Train Arc; the First Form being Unknowing Fire, Second Form: Rising Scorching Sun, Third Form: Blazing Universe, Fourth Form: Blooming Flame Undulation, Fifth Form: Flame Tiger and Ninth Form: Rengoku.
The Hinokami Kagura is a Breathing Style that is passed on from father to son in every generation alongside the Hanafuda earrings.
Moon Breathing ( 月 つき の 呼 こ 吸 きゅう , Tsuki no kokyū?) is a Breathing Style derived from the Sun Breathing used by Upper Rank One, Kokushibō, who was one of the first Demon Slayers who utilized breathing techniques.