Within the story, a pirate named Gruk has taken a crewmember of the Star Wars pirate Sidon Ithano (aka the Crimson Corsair) - Quiggold. The hostage quickly informs his captor of why his plan is doomed to fail - Kix (now referred to as "the Last Clone") has infiltrated their ship.
ARC-0001 (formally CT-0001) was created years ago in 32 BBY with the rest of the clones on the watery planet of Kamino, he is a fully trained arc (advanced recon commando) trooper, and he is the leader of 223rd Strike Force, his nickname is Commander Unos.
During the first years of Imperial rule, the clones acted as Stormtroopers, but eventually, cloning production halted, and the Empire began recruiting regular humans instead. Due to their accelerated growth, the remaining clones were deemed unfit for military duty and retired.
CT-6969 when he was assigned commander of the 69th Battalion. One of the only clones to rival the immense power of Sixes. CT-6969 abandoned his Jedi General, deeming his original General "too cocky" after the General dove into a battle, full of confidence, only to be rescued singlehandedly by CT-6969.
CT-9999/9999 nicknamed "Nines" was a clone trooper in the 37th Assault Legion. He served under commander CC-5629 nicknamed "Hunter" in the battle of Texx.
CT-1111 was a clone trooper assigned to Theta Squad during the Clone Wars. He was given the nickname "Ones" due to the fact that his number was all ones. He was killed during a battle against the Separatists.
99, would you please send a cleaning crew to the training ground." 99 at work carrying weapons. 99 was the victim of an imperfect cloning attempt, leaving him with severe genetic and physical defects included limited mobility and overly rapid aging.
All season, The Bad Batch has been showing the pangs of regret that some clones feel over actions such as Order 66 and the destruction on Kamino.
Clones That Disobeyed Order 66 | Fandom. Some clones disobeyed the infamous order than decimated the Jedi order, and refused to execute it. SOME of these Clones include; Captain Rex: Captain Rex, as most know removed his chip that would later be the way that Palpatine would execute order 66.
CT-6666, nicknamed "Sixes," was a clone Trooper who served during the Clone Wars.
Clone marshal commanders were the highest rank a clone trooper could gain within the Grand Army of the Republic.
Captain Rex
If one thing could sum up his appeal it would be his steadfast loyalty to not only his brothers in arms, but the Jedi he served alongside during the Clone Wars and to the Republic itself.
That would be Kix. Due to his being frozen in stasis by the Separatists, he survived for 50 years after the end of the Clone Wars before being awakened by a pirate gang several years before the events of the sequel trilogy. Kix, Able, or that one Delta squad guy that appeared in legacy of the Force.
The closest answer is that, like natural-born humans, a clone's lifespan varies, although they probably weren't designed to live more than 50 human years (that would make a clone 100 years old).
If a unit indeed amounts to one battalion, this would mean that the grand total of clones was 1,728,000,000, considering the 3 million units that many sources state, and counting a unit as a battalion of 576 clones.
Order 67 was an order requiring clone troopers to dance. During the Battle of Utapau, Darth Sidious accidentally issued Order 67 when he meant to use Order 66. Just after the order was executed, Cody and his troops began dancing. However, Sidious browsed a manual and executed Order 66.
With 10,000 space monks hanging around, it's pretty damn impressive that shortly after the fall of the Republic, Order 66, and Vader's Jedi hunts, there were only around 50 confirmed Jedi left according to current canon stories. That means that Order 66 and Vader were 99 percent effective at wiping out the Jedi.
Despite Cody's friendship with Obi-Wan, he didn't hesitate when he received Order 66 from Supreme Chancellor Palpatine at the end of the Clone Wars. Obeying the Republic's commander-in-chief, Cody gave the order to fire on his Jedi General, then sent troops to see if he'd been killed.
Echo's History
On a rescue mission in The Clone Wars Season 3, episode 19, "Counterattack," Echo is caught in an explosion and seemingly killed. In truth, he survives and is captured by Separatists, as he is injured and unable to resist.
The Clones, in the war years, were mentally aged between 10 and 13. It was only their physical growth that was accelerated. So if you think about the difference in how a 13 year old carries themselves, sees the world and interacts with their peers, there would be a pretty striking difference.
Clone troopers were grown on the planet Kamino from the genetic template of bounty hunter Jango Fett, and made into a highly-efficient military force. The origin of their creation was murky; Prime Minister Lama Su told Obi-Wan Kenobi that the order was placed by Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas in the name of the Republic.
When a desperate Fives, believing that no one would listen to the information he had learned about the inhibitor chips, drew his weapon on Fox, he was killed by him, dying in Rex's arms.
CT-2222/1919, nicknamed Steel, was a clone trooper sergeant who served in the Galactic Republic's Grand Army which he fought in the Clone Wars. He received Order 66 which commanded him and all of the other clones to execute their Jedi generals and Jedi commanders.
The 91st's commanding clone officer was Clone Commander CC-8826 "Neyo," who was placed in command following his promotion earlier in the Clone Wars. Clone Commander CT-411 "Ponds" also served in the 91st.