Anakin Skywalker was stronger in the Force and more gifted than most of his peers. If there was ever a knock against him, it's that he could not give up attachment… something that drove him to the Dark Side. That aside, there's no denying his place as one of the greatest Jedi in Star Wars.
Yoda is widely considered to be the greatest Jedi of all time, and with good reason.
Arguably, some of the rarest types of Jedi were the so-called Iron Knights. These are members of the Shards species - crystals with a brain of their own.
Master Yoda has risen above all others to claim the top spot as the most powerful Jedi of all time and the true chosen one according to IGN's audience. He won pretty handily as well, as he was victorious in 89,756 of his 95,243 battles and had a win percentage of 94.2%.
Within the Star Wars Legends continuity, Yoda's Jedi instructor was N'Kata Del Gormo, a Hysalrian Jedi Master, according to an in-universe legend.
Obi-Wan Kenobi
As a Jedi, his loyalty has no bounds. He is willing to do whatever it takes to ensure that his mission is complete and Luke is safe. When he dies, he continues to guide Luke as a spirit, showing that his loyalty remains true even years after his death.
In Star Wars Legends and Canon, Galen Marek (Starkiller) is the only Jedi (other than Obi-Wan Kenobi) to put a beat down on Darth Vader/Anakin Skywalker. Galen was secretly trained as a Sith Lord apprentice to Vader, but returned to the light side and the Jedi.
For Now - Luke Skywalker. In Legends, Luke Skywalker was the undisputed most powerful Jedi to have ever lived in our knowledge, surpassing Yoda.
Jedi Guardian
The Guardian is the Soldier of the Jedi classes, with the same high Vitality per level and the most Feats. Due to these strengths, the Guardian shines in Lightsaber combat, but also has the lowest amount of Force points to spend.
Quinlan Vos is perhaps the definition of “Dark Jedi.” A master and skilled warrior of the Jedi Order, he appears briefly in The Clone Wars and demonstrates some rare Force techniques. His flirtations with the dark side, however, are told primarily in the novel Star Wars: Dark Disciple.
An'ya Kuro was one of the most powerful – and most brutal – Jedi of the pre-Clone Wars period. While most Jedi were peacekeepers, she was a true warrior, nicknamed "the Dark Woman" for her violent training sessions, many of which ended with her students being injured.
Though Yoda was extremely powerful in his own right, Luke, in bringing an end to the Emperor's reign, was able to accomplish what his master never could. Yoda faces off against Darth Sidious in Revenge of the Sith, but isn't able to accomplish his mission.
Yoda claims to have been training Jedi for 800 years. The second time Yoda mentions his long life is in Return of the Jedi, when he tells Luke, “When you reach 900 years old, you will not look as good as you will.” If we take Yoda at his word, that means the Jedi Master died at the ripe old age of 900.
The Prime Jedi was an individual who became the first Jedi to ever use the Force. The Prime Jedi was also the founder of the Jedi Order. The Prime Jedi established the Order on the planet Ahch-To, around 25,025 BBY.
Qui-Gon Jinn learned to manifest as a Force ghost after death, thus allowing him to retain his consciousness in the Force. Several other Jedi also achieved the same ability, most notably Obi-Wan Kenobi, Yoda and the redeemed Anakin Skywalker.
Some Jedi achieved immortality as Force spirits, their consciousness preserved in the Force. Every living being became one with the Force during the process of dying.