The exact cause of cramp is unknown but risk factors may include poor physical condition, mineral and electrolyte imbalances and tight, inflexible muscles. Cramps are usually harmless but may sometimes be symptomatic of an underlying medical disorder, such as atherosclerosis (narrowing of the arteries).
Mineral deficiency. Electrolytes and other minerals are crucial to keeping your body balanced and free from cramps and spasms. In some cases, a lack of magnesium, calcium, sodium or potassium can contribute to cramping. Check your diet.
These cramps may be caused by stress, not stressing enough, overworking your muscles, or not drinking enough water. Although most muscle cramps are harmless, some may be related to an underlying medical condition known as peripheral arterial disease (PAD), a form of peripheral vascular disease (PVD).
Seek medical care right away if you have: Severe cramping that continues. Night leg cramps after coming into contact with a toxin, such as lead.
Vitamin D and Calcium Deficiency are the prime reasons to cause muscle cramps and joint pains. It is important for each of us to know our vitamin levels in the body so that accordingly we can take supplements, and special nutrients to our diet and most importantly if required, seek medical help.
But if your symptoms persist even after at-home remedies, it could be more than just leg pain—it could be your heart. Peripheral artery disease (PAD) is a condition that is marked by limited blood flow to the limbs, particularly your legs, as a result of plaque buildup in your arteries.
Magnesium is one of the minerals required by human body for nerve transmission[6] and muscle contraction[7], with putative benefits for musculoskeletal health[8], and its oral supplementation is marketed as over-the-counter prophylaxis for muscle cramp.
If too much salt is lost, the level of fluid in the blood will drop. Hyponatremia is a condition that occurs when the sodium in your blood falls below the normal range of 135–145 mEq/L. In severe cases, low sodium levels in the body can lead to muscle cramps, nausea, vomiting and dizziness.
Muscle cramps can be a symptom of many different medical issues. They are often associated with muscle strain, but they can also be a sign of medical conditions such as circulation problems and liver disease.
ageing. putting too much strain on muscles during exercise, which can be worse in hot or humid weather. pregnancy (usually in the later stage) certain medicines, for example medicine for lowering cholesterol (statins) or high blood pressure (diuretics)
Bananas: A Time-Tested Treatment
You probably know that bananas are a good source of potassium. But they'll also give you magnesium and calcium. That's three out of four nutrients you need to ease muscle cramps tucked under that yellow peel.
Leg pain and cramping is common and often due to muscle spasms. While this pain can feel severe, it is usually not serious. But, sometimes, what feels like a leg cramp may actually be something more serious: a blood clot in your leg, also called a deep vein thrombosis (DVT).
In general, they're likely the result of tired muscles and nerve problems. The risk of having night leg cramps increases with age. Pregnant people also are more likely to have night leg cramps. Kidney failure, diabetic nerve damage and problems with blood flow are known to cause night leg cramps.
Since magnesium plays a role in neuromuscular transmission and muscle contraction, it has been hypothesised that magnesium deficiency may predispose to muscle cramps. Thus magnesium supplements are often recommended to prevent cramps.
Magnesium deficiency symptoms include: Fatigue. Leg cramping or twitching. Unexplained muscle weakness.
You can test your magnesium levels by purchasing a simple at-home finger prick test kit which is then analysed at an accredited lab. Forth offers a number of blood tests which include magnesium such as our Nutri-check test and Menopause Health blood test.
Swollen legs, ankles, or feet: When your veins can't push blood upward towards your heart, it can collect in your lower extremities. This blood pooling puts extra pressure on the area, causing fluid buildup and swelling. Muscle cramping: Inconsistent blood flow may lead to muscle cramps, aches, and pains.
These include: abnormal nerve activity during sleep which causes the muscle of the leg to cramp. excessive strain placed on leg muscles, such as when exercising, may cause the muscles to cramp at certain times. a sudden restriction in the blood supply to the affected muscles.
What causes aching legs? Muscle cramps and strain play a part, but a number of health conditions may also result in leg pain, such as arthritis, gout, deep vein thrombosis, peripheral neuropathy, and sciatica.
Dark, Leafy Greens
Greens are among the more unexpected foods that deliver minerals that might help with muscle cramps. These are an excellent source of magnesium and potassium that can help replenish low levels of these minerals. Hunnes adds that they can also help with hydration since they're also full of water.
It's been suggested that drinking 2 to 3 ounces of tonic water before bedtime can prevent leg cramps at night.
The most prevalent symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency are neurologic, such as paresthesia in hands and feet, muscle cramps, dizziness, cognitive disturbances, ataxia, and erectile dysfunction, as well as fatigue, psychiatric symptoms like depression, and macrocytic anemia.