Since acupuncture works by addressing the root cause of a condition, the process can cause repressed emotions to surface. You may be quicker to cry or notice yourself feeling more sentimental than usual. In general, emotions—good or bad—are felt more intensely. This is a good thing.
Yes it happens, yes it is normal, yes it is healing. Many people experience an emotional release during or after acupuncture.
Acupuncture is a 3,000-year-old healing technique that has gained traction in modern medicine. It is used to manage pain, reduce stress, and release emotions.
Acupuncture can affect everyone differently. After acupuncture treatment, some people feel relaxed and calm, while others feel alert and energised. In some cases, acupuncture can leave you feeling tired and lethargic for a few hours following your treatment session.
Elimination. Another effect you should be prepared for after an acupuncture treatment is frequent urination. Bowel movement changes are also another positive effect of healthy metabolism levels. These symptoms mean that the body is elevating its metabolism, eliminating toxins, and returning to a state of equilibrium.
You may be experiencing a detoxification or cleansing of your body after the acupuncture. When poisons leave the system, there may be discomfort such as headache, sniffles, a slight fever, strong feeling of drowsiness, lethargy or similar reactions. The muscles are realigning after the acupuncture session.
Avoid Strenuous Exercise
You may feel a boost of energy after your acupuncture treatment – this is one of its many benefits. However, be careful not to partake in strenuous activities after your treatment. If you perform intense exercises or heavy lifting, you may undo some of the benefits of treatment.
Some short-term effects may indicate that the acupuncture sessions are working. One sign is you notice slight improvements in your symptoms. Curiously, the other is a worsening of symptoms. “It's actually not a bad sign if you feel worse after acupuncture,” Sheinberg says.
Emotional Discharge: acupuncture works to harmonize the body, and in the process, it can sometimes reveal our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual sensitivities. However, that emotion rears its head, it is important to accept it rather than trying to push it back down.
Studies show that acupuncture is an effective treatment for anxiety, with fewer side effects than medications.
Inserting a needle sends a signal through the nervous system to the brain, where chemicals such as endorphins, norepinephrine, and enkephalin are released. Some of these substances are 10 to 200 times more potent than morphine! Acupuncture reduces both the intensity and perception of chronic pain.
It found acupuncture to be moderately effective in reducing the severity of depression compared with standard depression treatments or no treatment at all.
It's important that client's avoid unhealthy foods after their acupuncture appointment, as it may hinder their received benefits. This includes processed foods, fried foods, and refined sugar - if clients crave something sweet, antioxidant-rich fruits are a great option!
You might get headaches, inflammation in your joints, feel spacy, anxious, depressed, or fatigued. While it is wise to pace the healing process to avoid overwhelming yourself in the process, we also must remember that some of these symptoms might still occur.
Make sure to get enough rest and sleep. While some experience a jolt of energy after the session, practitioners recommend savouring the boost because you might need it in the following days. Allowing your body to rest after the treatment helps restore your physical and emotional wellbeing as the healing sets in motion.
An emotional issue (associated with a particular layer of healing) may arise during the physical healing. It may emerge alone or in combination with a healing episode that is physical in nature. This can be seen as an opportunity to achieve healing on more than one level.
The intense heat from Sauna and bath is considered an extra stimulation that may undo the energy reset. However hot showers are okay after acupuncture.
So, what else can you do after your acupuncture treatment to ensure that it is working as effectively as possible? It is very important for you to drink plenty of water. Your body can easily become dehydrated after an acupuncture treatment so you need to make sure that you are drinking plenty of water.
Symptoms of toxic release can vary from person to person, but commonly include: Fatigue. Headaches. Cold- or flu-like symptoms.