Because of their territorial nature, cats believe they actually own your house. When you close a door, it is no wonder that many cats will try to open, scratch, or attack it in every single way. They may simply find your attempt to close a door as a sign that undermines their absolute reign of the territory.
They have separation anxiety. Cats who hate closed doors may feel anxious when they're separated from you, or when they are alone in general. Or it may be that they have never been trained to feel comfortable with confinement—even if they just feel “confined” in a hallway while you're in the bathroom.
Use a toy that your cat is highly motivated to play with (try the wand toys from Go Cat—they are a favourite with many cats). If he's meowing at the door—or better yet, if you can tell he's heading over there—proactively distract him with a toy and then play with him until he is tired out!
Cats Like to Explore
Cats don't like closed doors because they restrict their access to parts of the house, and make it difficult to explore. This is especially true for cats that don't receive much enrichment. Some cats will learning to reach a paws under a door that hasn't been shut tightly to pull it open.
Leave the door open and allow kitty to explore at her own pace and be able to return to the safety of “her room” when she needs to.
And unlike dogs, cats actually prefer smaller spaces and tend to find hideaways and corners to retreat when they need their space. Although cats may need a little less, a cat can happily live in one room only if they have everything they need.
At the end of the day, leaving doors wide open around your home helps your cat feel comfortable in their environment. There's no way around the fact that cats and closed doors do not mix (and nobody wants a cat drying at door).
Some cats don't like belly rubs. Why? Mainly because the stomach area is a very sensitive part of a cat's body. This soft underbelly protects some of their most vital organs, according to the South Boston Animal Hospital.
It has a strange sound
And believe it or not, aluminum foil actually makes high-pitched sounds that humans can't hear but your cat definitely can. “Cats have extremely acute hearing, and the strange crinkly noise that the foil makes when touched can be irritating to their ears,” Dr. Conrad told The Dodo.
? As any cat owner knows, kitties absolutely hate closed doors. They can be at their calmest, but when that door is shut, their inner alarm goes off. They meow, they scratch, they fidget, and they do not rest until that door is open again.
Species appropriate punishment such as “hissing” or the use of punishment devices such as a water sprayer, can of compressed air, or hand held alarm are better than using any physical techniques since they are less likely to lead to fear and retaliation.
If your cat often wakes you up, pawing at your head, pouncing on your feet or scratching and meowing at your bedroom door, consider putting them in a separate room for the night. Ensure they have access to fresh, clean water, their litter boxes and a comfortable bed to rest in, as well as toys to keep them occupied.
One of the most plausible and sweetest reasons why your cat “follows” you even into the bathroom is that he loves you. The cat wants to take advantage of every second of your presence and every possible opportunity to spend time with you! He adores you so much that he will follow you everywhere in the house.
(Any pronounced behavior change should trigger a trip to the vet to make sure your cat isn't ill or in pain.) Meowing is all-purpose; your cat may be using "meow" as a greeting, a command, an objection or an announcement. Some people have observed their cats walking around the house meowing to themselves.
Your cat may prefer small, enclosed spaces too, particularly when asleep. Again this comes from the need to feel protected. Many cats love to sleep in cardboard boxes that are enclosed on all sides as this means that they only have one point of entry to keep a sleepy eye on, reducing their vulnerability.
Texture: Sticky paper, aluminum foil, heavy plastic or a plastic carpet runner (knubby side up) can be placed in areas you want to be off limits. Cats hate walking on these surfaces.
The mystery of why cats hate cucumbers is normally explained by the natural fear cats have towards snakes. To a feline's eyes a cucumber can look similar enough to the pesky reptile to elicit their fear response and make them jump a few feet in the air to avoid being bitten.
Cats are fastidious animals that spend a great deal of their day grooming themselves. Wet fur is extremely uncomfortable for a cat and often takes a long time to dry. Wet fur is also heavier than dry and thus makes a cat less nimble and easier for predators to catch. There is also the shock factor.
In addition to being petted, do cats like to be held? Sometimes. Most cats love to snuggle, and they're typically responsive to being held if you introduce them to it gradually. The best way to approach your cat for a hug is to start with a few soft pets, then carefully pick them up.
Your cat is expressing her affection for you.
Your cat's licking may be an affiliative behavior, which is a friendly, altruistic behavior. Mothers groom their kittens, and cats may groom one another, which is called allogrooming.
Being picked up and held can make some cats nervous, as they are being restrained in your arms. This limits their options for escape if anything were to startle them. Cats are independent creatures, and although they often like to be up high, they like to choose their own perch and not be restrained whilst doing so.
You are the center of your cat's world and the keeper of all their resources, so it makes sense that your cat follows you around. In addition, your cat shares a strong bond with you, may be curious to what you are doing, may have insecurity, may want your attention, or may think that you will feed or play with them.
Make loud noises whenever it enters the room or shoo it away. Note that if you do this, the cat may associate the noise with you and start to avoid you. You can even employ stronger methods in some cases. For example, spill a small amount of water on the floor of your bathroom if you don't want your cat in there.