“Physicians are authority figures and thus are in a position to directly influence others. It's not uncommon for patients to feel an attraction to their doctors, or other health care providers, especially when good feelings experienced between the two; where patients feel heard, understood and cared for.”
Though instances of doctors and patients entering romantic relationships are indeed rare, it does sometimes happen. Physicians sometimes have sexual relationships with patients, or with former patients. Sometimes the initiator is the physician, and sometimes it is the patient.
The truth is that we all have our favorite patients. Not that we don't appreciate most of the people we take care of; it's just that we connect more closely with certain individuals.
De Clerambault's syndrome or erotomania is a condition in which a patient, usually a woman, develops a delusional belief that a man, usually older and of higher social status, is in love with her. This paper describes such cases where medical practitioners were involved.
Yes it would be inappropriate. A doctor dating his patient is generally considered a breach of medical ethics. Even if you were the one to initiate the relationship, your doctor could face severe sanctions from his licensure board, and even his ability to practice.
“Physicians are authority figures and thus are in a position to directly influence others. It's not uncommon for patients to feel an attraction to their doctors, or other health care providers, especially when good feelings experienced between the two; where patients feel heard, understood and cared for.”
The Florence Nightingale Effect explains why caregivers sometimes develop romantic and/or sexual feelings for their patients. Also known as Nightingale Syndrome, it is sometimes used to explain why caregivers show empathy and compassion for patients, even if there aren't any romantic or sexual overtones.
Medical students appear to lose empathy as they progress through medical school, and this decline in empathy is higher among MD (doctor of medicine) students than DO (osteopathic) students, according to a recent study published in the journal Academic Medicine.
Doctors may be affected by the death of a patient they knew well, or because of the circumstances surrounding the death. They may have associated feelings of self doubt, helplessness, guilt, or failure, or they may be worried that they will be criticised for their involvement in the patient's care.
Doctor personality traits: Neuroticism
Neuroticism is one of the most common personality traits in doctors. It can motivate us to work harder, maintain high standards, and achieve goals. The flipside is that neuroticism can make life more stressful than it needs to be, for both you and those around you.
Doctors tend to be predominantly investigative individuals, which means that they are quite inquisitive and curious people that often like to spend time alone with their thoughts. They also tend to be social, meaning that they thrive in situations where they can interact with, persuade, or help people.
“In a clinical exam, patients consent to being touched. They haven't consented to any other intimate contact, however,” Reese writes. “Although some patients might welcome a hug, others might consider it an invasion of their personal space or a sign of attraction.
Hugging should never be mandatory, Vejar says, but providers should recognize how much a hug might mean to patients. “It lets them know that their presence is welcome, that they are valued, that we care about them, and that they are being heard,” she says.
The medical profession does not have a firm rule prohibiting all sexual relationships with former patients, nor does it have anything like the inflexible two-year rule now applicable to psychologists.
Psychiatrists had the highest mean empathy score (mean=127.0), followed by physicians in general internal medicine (mean=121.7), general pediatrics (mean=121.5), emergency medicine (mean=121.0), and family medicine (mean=120.5).
Show support to your patient
Recognize how a patient feels and acknowledge their fears and anger. Support them by responding to both their emotional and medical needs.
These stressors can push physicians into early retirement, career changes, cuts in practice hours—or compassion fatigue. Compassion fatigue can be the result of physical, emotional, and spiritual exhaustion from the demands of being a physician.
Williams syndrome is called the happy syndrome because people with this condition often have outgoing, friendly personalities and tend to be very social. They may have a unique ability to connect with others and form strong bonds, making them appear very happy and engaging.
Williams syndrome, which affects 30,000 people in the U.S., is often called the opposite of autism. A child that can't stop hugging people, has no fear of strangers, and loves everyone equally—sounds beautiful, right?
It's important to be able to show compassion for patients and comfort them when they need it. But bear in mind that if you initiate a hug, there is a chance it may be misconstrued – particularly if the patient reads into something else you say or do and considers it inappropriate.