If you spot
Children can have a few nits without actually having a case of head lice. Usually children have no more than 10 to 20 live lice. Good lighting is important when you are checking. Head lice move fast and are hard to see.
Lice eggs hatch 1–2 weeks after they're laid. After hatching, the remaining shell looks white or clear and stays attached to the hair shaft. This is when it's easiest to spot them, as the hair is growing longer and the egg shell is moving away from the scalp.
Nits are often confused with other things found in the hair such as dandruff, hair spray droplets, and dirt particles. If no live nymphs or adult lice are seen, and the only nits found are more than ¼-inch from the scalp, the infestation is probably old and no longer active and does not need to be treated.
Some common bugs that can be mistaken for lice are ants, bedbugs, and fleas. A few things all these bugs have in common is they're small in size, can be dark colored, and can give you an itchy head. A few things that can be mistaken for lice nits are dandruff, hair product, or dirt.
It may be possible to have nits but no lice. If a person cannot find any nymphs or adult lice in the scalp and the nits are more than a quarter of an inch from the scalp, these may be dead and from an old infestation. However, the lice could be in hiding.
Can thinking about lice make you itchy? Yes – we call these phantom lice. Sometimes they will even say “is my hair so itchy but no lice are there?” This is an emotional response to being in close proximity to someone who has or is speaking about lice – something nobody wants to have.
After each treatment, checking the hair and combing with a nit comb to remove nits and lice every 2–3 days may decrease the chance of self–reinfestation. Continue to check for 2–3 weeks to be sure all lice and nits are gone.
After Treating with Lice Medicine
Use the nit comb to remove dead lice and nits. If some are still present but moving slowly, do not shampoo again. If lice are still active and no dead lice are found, call your health care provider. These lice may be resistant to the medicine.
Eggs that still contain a louse embryo are brownish in color, while the empty egg shells are white to grey. As the hair grow approximately 1cm a month, eggs that are about 1cm from the scalp are more than likely to have already hatched or to contain a dead embryo.
Combs with flat-faced teeth spaced 0.2 to 0.3mm apart are best for removing head lice, although combs with smaller gaps can be used to remove eggs and nits (egg cases) after treatment. Detection combing can be carried out on dry or wet hair.
Then use a fine toothed “lice comb” to systematically work through the hair and remove adult lice. Regularly wiping the comb on tissues or paper towel will reveal the dispatched lice. This approach works but must be repeated twice, about a week apart, to break the life cycle of the head lice.
A louse has three stages in its life cycle. They begin as nits, hatch and become nymphs, and become full-sized adults within weeks. Their life cycle is fast, and they tend to reproduce quickly. Treatments in the form of lotions and medicated shampoos can kill nits, nymphs, and adult lice.
If nits are yellow, tan, or brown, it means the lice haven't hatched yet. If the nits are white or clear, the lice have hatched and just the egg remains. Lice eggs hatch within 1 to 2 weeks after they're laid.
Booklice, sometimes known as psocids, are not actual lice. These tiny insects resemble lice in appearance, but they don't consume blood. Instead, they live on mold and fungi. In terms of appearance, they can be translucent white, gray, or brown, and are often confused for adult bed bugs.
Signs of Lice
Some symptoms of lice are a tingling feeling on your scalp, intense itching, and possible bite marks near your neck, ears, or scalp. If you notice any of the symptoms you should check yourself for lice.
What do Super Lice look like? There may be the assumption that super lice must be supersized, but in fact, super lice look just like normal head lice. You won't find a cape, or an 'S' on their back, and you will not find any wings either. Head lice are tan to greyish in colour.
In fact, it can take up to six weeks for a child or adult to develop the typical itchiness that might prompt a head check. And even then, half the people with lice still won't exhibit any symptoms associated with lice.
But unfortunately, the nits will not simply fall out your hair. The lice themselves take 7 to 11 days to hatch, so after that what is attached to the hair is the empty eggshell or the dead nit. These will stay attached to the hair and as the hair grows you will find them further and further down the hair shaft.
Although lice and their nits are small, you can see them with the naked eye. They can be white, brown, or dark gray. You're more likely to find them in the hair at the back of your neck or behind your ears. The nits are round or oval specks that are tightly stuck to hairs near the scalp.
Lice are also not overly keen on testosterone in the blood, so this is another reason to prefer adult female blood to adult male blood. However, it is not impossible for men to catch or have head lice as an adult. This risk is higher if the man is a close carer of the children.