When you hear your voice on a recording, you're only hearing sounds transmitted via air conduction. Since you're missing the part of the sound that comes from bone conduction within the head, your voice sounds different to you on a recording.
When you listen to a recording of yourself speaking, the bone-conducted pathway that you consider part of your “normal” voice is eliminated, and you hear only the air-conducted component in unfamiliar isolation. You can experience the reverse effect by putting in earplugs so you hear only bone-conducted vibrations.
It's because when you speak you hear your own voice in two different ways. Greg Foot explains all. The first is through vibrating sound waves hitting your ear drum, the way other people hear your voice. The second way is through vibrations inside your skull set off by your vocal chords.
Yes it records the voice that is coming out of your mouth. Microphones record your voice in the way that other people hear your voice. We hear our own voices slightly different than other people because of a few reasons. When we speak, we are hearing the sound of our voices vibrating within our skulls.
The actor then gives his solution: To hear your “real” voice, you can place your hands on the sides of your head — between your jawbone and your ears. “That is what you sound like to other people,” he concludes. TikTok users were amazed by the news, although many were upset to learn what they “really” sound like.
You are hearing what your voice actually sounds like to other people. This is typically somewhat different from the way it sounds to you. This is because you hear the sound resonating through your head bones and sinuses, and other people do not hear that.
Different brains experience internal speech differently (and some not at all) Most people have some level of internal monologue going through their heads throughout their day, however there is a small group of people who do not experience any self-talk at all.
They've heard it all before: Your voice is just your voice to everyone else. They don't hear the bone conduction part. It sounds exactly as it always has, so don't worry about people thinking you sound odd. You sound great!
If you sound like a child, it is most likely that you are not using enough diaphragm support to release your singing voice in a relaxed mode; instead you constrict your throat more, in order to squeeze out your voice.
The bone-conducted sound typically sounds lower in pitch compared to air-conducted sound. This means that when you listen to your own recorded voice, it tends to sound less 'rich' and 'full,' and more 'thin' and 'nasal' because you're no longer hearing the lower-frequency, bone-conducted portion of the sound.
You hear your voice differently when it's recorded because of the so-called "internal sound." The voice people hear when you speak is not affected by the resonance caused by your mouth, body, and skull; to you, your voice will sound deeper and more enveloping than others might perceive it.
Since you're missing the part of the sound that comes from bone conduction within the head, your voice sounds different to you on a recording. When you speak and hear your own voice inside your head, your head bones and tissues tend to enhance the lower-frequency vibrations.
Bhatt explained that the dislike of the sound of our own voices is physiological and psychological. First off, audio recordings translate differently to your brain than the sound you are used to when speaking. The sound from an audio device goes through the air and then in your ear (also known as air conduction).
Some pitches of sound will not be heard as loudly as others. That changes the sound quality. Generally, when we hear our voices on a recording, our voices sound higher in pitch than what we hear in our head. It is those higher pitches that are boosted in the ear canal during normal air conduction hearing.
“When we then hear our own voice played back from a recording, that sound is then only filtered through air, just like other people's voices, and so it sounds different from when we hear ourselves while speaking,” Maslowski writes via email.
That's kind of what happens to your voice. Before your growth spurt, your larynx is relatively small and your vocal cords are relatively thin. So your voice is high and kid-like.
Sometimes a person's inner speech does not sound like them, and when this occurs, it is easier to understand how it could be experienced as coming from somewhere else. There are also other reasons: Stress or strain. Many people start to hear voices when they are struggling in life.
Many things can cause vocal cord inflammation and swelling. These include surgery, respiratory illness or allergies, GERD, some medicines, exposure to certain chemicals, smoking, alcohol abuse, and vocal abuse. Nerve problems. Certain health conditions can affect the nerves that control the vocal cords.
For many of us, this voice sounds much like our own, or at least how we think we sound. But for some people, their inner voice isn't a straightforward monologue that reproaches, counsels and reminds.
There are many significant factors that can cause hearing voices. The major factors that contribute to this condition are stress, anxiety, depression, and traumatic experiences. In some cases, there might be environmental and genetic factors that cause such hearing of voices.
Chances are, you are reading this first sentence and hearing your own voice talking in your head. According to a new study, internal speech makes use of a system that is mostly employed for processing external speech, which is why we can “hear” our inner voice.
When it comes to schizophrenia, one of the most common questions is where do these inner voices come from? It turns out that people with schizophrenia are actually hearing their own voices in their heads. This is due to a phenomenon called subvocal speech, which most of us experience in a slightly different way.
Mental health problems – you may hear voices as a symptom of some mental health problems, including psychosis, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, schizoaffective disorder or severe depression.
However, don't stress if you think your voice sounds a little weird – only 38% of people immediately recognize their recorded speech. Plus, studies have found that people tend to rate their own voices far more negatively than others do.